Apr 25, 2013 07:22
April is Poetry Month. Although as it turns out, April is A lot-of-Things Month...all of them great worthy causes. But none as worthy as poetry, because doesn't abuse you, or cause cancer... If you sign up at Knopf.com, you can get a poem every day all through out April. This is my second year doing this. And today's poem is: ....And, personally, it speaks to me about how I've officially gone insane.
Goodbye - by Franz Wright
Each day I woke as it started to get dark and the pain came. Month
after month of this-who knows when I got well, the way you do,
whether you like it or not. With dawn now, risen from the rampage
of sleep, I am walking in the Lincoln woods. A single bird is
loudly singing. And I walk here as I always have, as though from
tall room to room in a more or less infinite house where the owner's
not home but is watching me somehow, observing my behavior,
from behind the two-way mirror of appearances, I suppose,
and listening, somewhat critically, to what I am thinking. Not too,
however. At certain moments I could swear there is even a sense of
being liked, as sunlight changes swiftly, leaving, leaving and arriving
again. A bird is chirping bitterly, as if these words were meant
for me, as if their intent was within me, and will not speak. Nothing
is left me of you.