The Karma of Charity

Dec 22, 2005 18:06

The Karma of Charity
Written by: thoughtful_kaos
Summary: Justin and Brian have a charity event to attend and Brian's not happy about it. But he will be.

Like Pairing/type: B/J Hot romance
Requested by: 1729Trix

"What the hell is all this?" Brian screamed as he walked into the kitchen to see every counter filled with cookies, candies and all sorts of highly caloric substances.

"It's for the charity event tonight." Justin said with a calm voice. Since he had returned from his year in New York, Justin was a lot calmer even when Brian was in full drama queen mode.

"I'm not going." Brian said as he turned to leave the room. The positives of living in the manor house , he had bought before proposing to Justin , was he could leave the room when Justin was doing something he did not like. "And clean up the fucking mess."

"You are going and we both know why." Still that calm voice. Brian was beginning to wonder if anything would break the calm reserve. Not for the first time, he wondered exactly what had happened in New York to teach Justin to control his emotions so very well.

Sticking his head around the doorway, Brian answered. "I don't think it should count as agreeing to go if you pull off my cock seconds before I'm going to come and ask me to go to some charity bullshit."

"Still counts." Justin laughed. "Besides, I not only had you coming seconds after you agreed, I also rewarded you later by doing that fantasy of yours with my old uniform from school."

"I still think its blackmail. You wouldn't let me come until I agreed to go. It wouldn't stand up in court." Brian countered but the point was obviously Justin's since Brian did not even stick around long enough for a reply.

* * * * *

"How long did you say we had to stick around for?" Brian asked as they walked into the door of the event. "There's a lot of other more enjoyable things we could be doing right now you know?"

"We're staying for at least two hours." Justin said with a smirk that was remarkably similar to Brian's. "You're not going to get drunk, which means no more then one alcoholic drink every fifteen minutes. You are not going to make a scene because this is raising money for AIDS research, which is something we both think is important. Most of all, you're not going to fuck or suck or be sucked or do anything sexual during the next two hours or I can promise you that I won't be doing any of the above to you for the next week."

"Since when did you become the asshole of the relationship?" Brian asked, half-shocked at Justin's attitude and half-proud and turned on.

"I've always been the asshole." Justin said as he turned planning to go say hello to Debbie and Carl who were standing near the dance floor. "You were just too busy being a prick and sticking it up me that you didn't notice."

"Does your mother know you talk this way?" Brian asked.

"My mother is the one who taught me to speak this way. She's not as timid and boring as you think she is."

"I would never dare to say your mother is boring. Mother Taylor is a pillar among women. A heroine for us all to look up to and try to emulate a… OUCH!" Brian winced and rubbed his now sore ass. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"You know what I did that for and I'll do it again and harder if you don't behave." Justin grinned and shook his head. He knew Brian had a lot of respect for the woman he called Mother Taylor. Sometime during all the years since Brian and Justin met under that streetlamp, Jennifer Taylor had all but adopted Brian as one of her own.

"Promise?" Brian smirked with his tongue in cheek.

"Behave and I'll reward you later." Justin offered. He was enjoying the banter between them but he really did not want to be the center of attention, which seemed to be happening.

"Reward how?" Brian asked. He was used to being the center of attention and he could care less what others thought of him.

"I'll let you choose." Justin acquiesced.

"Anything I want?" Brian grinned, "Even if it's the uniform thing again?"

"You know, for someone who didn't like to fuck anyone more then once when I met you, you sure like to repeat the same fantasies over and over with me. I think this means you're getting old or something."

Brian stalked up to Justin and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Fuck you."

With a grin that showed Justin knew he had won this round, he nodded. "In two hours Dear."

* * * * *

"I can't believe you didn't let me drink more then two Beams and kept me there for three hours." Brian complained as they walked in the front door. "I was sober during Ted's whole discussion about what he and Blake did on their honeymoon."

"Ted really appreciated your comments I'm sure." Justin quipped, thinking about how flushed Ted got when Brian told him he was fucking Blake wrong and that the man's obvious lack of technique explained so much. Luckily, like everyone else who knew Brian, Ted was able to ignore most of what Brian said. He even gave Brian a hug after Justin explained Brian was doing the entire party sober and willingly.

"He went on about their honeymoon for twenty minutes!" Brian all but screamed. "Do you know what I could've done with that time? What I could've done to you?"

"I'm well aware of what you're capable of accomplishing in twenty minutes, thank you." Justin grinned and started unbuttoning his shirt as he walked towards the bedroom, "Though if you'd like to give me a practical demonstration, I'll be available in about fifteen minutes."

"What the hell are you doing for fifteen minutes?" Brian asked as he walked into their bedroom. He really was incredibly sexy when he was frustrated, Justin thought.

"I wanted to get my clothes changed so I don't wrinkle this suit and I've got the leftovers from tonight to put away." Justin said with a grin, knowing Brian would see it as Justin stalling and trying to be a tease. Not that it wasn't the truth, but it amused Justin to know Brian would think that way.

"I still don't understand why we even had to bring all that shit home." Brian complained half-heartedly as he removed his own suit and hung it up. "All those carbs and fats are horrible for you."

"So don't eat any of them," was Justin's answer to the problem, "I personally have no problems eating carbs and fats. Must be a problem those in their thirties experience."

Before Brian could respond and do so in a sarcastic way, Justin had pulled off everything but a pair of boxer shorts and left the room. Brian supposed Justin was doing exactly what he said he was - putting away all the stuff they had brought home. He still wondered what they were going to do with all that junk food, but he made a promise to himself that after Justin went to sleep he would sneak down and steal some. The desserts really had looked good but Brian did not want to ruin his reputation by actually eating sweets in public. Of course, Justin knew about his sweet cravings and that was probably why the blond brought them back to the house.

* * * * *

"You said anything, right?" Brian asked half an hour later once both he and Justin had taken showers and changed into sweat pants. Justin had insisted their showers be taken individually and for some reason Brian had gone along with it. Not that showering without the blond made that big of a difference, he either fucked Justin in the shower or fantasized about fucking Justin in the shower, either way he came. Okay, so it was a huge difference. Nothing could ever replace Justin, not even his own imagination.

"Anything." Justin nodded with a knowing smirk.

"Even if it's something kinky?"

"I'm fairly certain I can handle whatever it is you want." His self-assurance was doing odd things to Brian. He wanted to shock Justin, make him drop the calm façade, but he was starting to wonder if it really was a façade.

"What the hell happened to you in New York?" Brian asked confused.

"Tell me what you want for your reward." Justin simply smiled.

"I want you to tell me what happened in New York that made you so calm and accepting and self-assured." The strange thing was Brian really was willing to forgo having a fantasy fulfilled in exchange for the information.

"You really want to know? You might not like it." Justin gave him a final chance to back out and surprisingly Brian did not take it. "It was about a month before I came home. I'd just talked to you on the phone for the first time since I'd arrived in New York. It was the same day I found out about getting my own show at the gallery. Do you remember that?"

"Of course I remember Sunshine. It's a fairly major event to forget." Brian snapped slightly, his frustration was showing.

"Anyway," Justin said ignoring the attitude Brian was giving. "I was on my way to the coffee shop where I'd been working when it just hit me. I'd gotten an exclusive show at a gallery and the thing I was most happy about was that I got to talk to you. It was like an epiphany where I realized no matter what you do or say I am always going to love you more then anything else in my world and there is nothing you can do to change that. What really made the day though was I realized between all the things you'd said and done since I've known you; you were telling me it was the same for you."

"Justin…" Brian began but Justin quickly cut him off.

"Don't bother to deny it Brian. We both know it's true."

"May I finish now?" Brian asked in the sarcastic tone that always turned Justin on. When the younger man nodded, Brian did just that. "I was going to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, that it's about time you realized what I've been trying to tell you for years."

"Brian?" Justin asked with a satisfied smile.

"Yes Sunshine?" Brian answered with a matching smile.

"I think it's time you fucked me all night long."

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