Observations on meaningless imperialist colonialism. XIII

Apr 04, 2023 16:05

This live example of how a mind is a terrible thing to waste who very likely lives in a trailer park that's too far away from a proper high school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKYVGQKxUN0

Poor Russian sods were ordered to fight on the side of a butcher in Syria, along with destabilising African states, and now the meaningless loss of life and material is continuing by following the usual wasteful for the sole purpose of Putain's megalomaniacal self-glorification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVTaXkQheiw

Genuinely fake news deconstructed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNtqiJcZv_E&t=508s / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrRF1OoZiLI&t=4

Putain propagandist trolls, including Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Fucker Carlson, Jill Stein, Michael Flynn, Marjorie Taylor Green, Garland Nixon, et al, and their echo chambers parroting these Putain dirty sock puppets' "alternative facts," please eat your special chocolate pies in your MAGA-ot closets while being intellectually incapable of engaging in any independent critical thought.
Anyone who is interested in genuinely intelligent contents forwarded by a scholar-warrior with demonstrable expertise in analysing international events by applying critical thinking skills that the former personalities are devoid of, keep reading the contents below:
Robin Horsfall
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado
The War Putin Might Win
Putin lost his military campaign in Ukraine the day his convoy came to a halt on the road to Kyiv. The firm resistance of the Ukrainian people combined with western support reinforced that position every day since Feb 24th 2022.
The war that Putin could win is the propaganda war. He has been successful in this battle several times in the past. He knows that one of the 'weaknesses' of western democracy is the freedom for all people to voice their opinions. The development of social media in the past twenty years allowed the KGB/FSB in Russia to flood the internet with pro Russian dogma while hiding as concerned members of the public. They identify concerns of the everyday man and woman reading their Facebook pages and exaggerates them.
In his speech yesterday Putin focused on telling the Russian people that they are under threat but he also knew that the world media would report his every word. So, while he spoon fed the fears of his own people he also fed the fears of the rest of the world courtesy of international journalists. "Will Putin start WWIII?"
Putin has troll factories operating twenty-four hours a day that will post opinions on our media platforms to drive us into becoming a frightened, confused mass who think our leaders are taking us to the abattoir. They are not!
The war Putin might win (unless we are very aware) is the propaganda war. This is a war for the minds of people who live in a world with freedom of speech and the rule of law. If Putin can create enough doubt it can bring down governments.
There are several ways to defeat these attacks. Dominate the message, (which is what Joe Biden did in his visit to Kyiv), make people more aware of the trolls that come up on their pages and convince journalist to be less even handed and more opinionated against the actions of Putin.
Journalists must remind all the people, every day, that Putin broke his commitments to the UN, to Ukraine and to law based international relations when he invaded and attempted to conquer Ukraine. It is not just a journalist's responsibility to report news. It is their responsibility to report news responsibly. To take a moral position and hold it firmly.
Putin spent two hours lying yesterday and for two hours he was fighting his propaganda war. We must all fight back on this battlefield so that we can remain united and victorious in the cause of Ukraine and the greater cause of freedom.
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares.
Robin Horsfall

According to the alt-right, "Ukraine is finished!" According to Kim Iversen, there's "massive support" for how Putain blundered into the folly of Ukraine needing to be invaded, which, according to Bunker Boy Donnie, was "a genius move": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Wp0m84FsM . Personally, I remain waiting with the usual weary patience to see any "skerrick" of evidence to support any credible claim of Ukrainian war guilt by anyone who could still claim to more intelligent and knowledgeable and better informed than genuine scholars with established expertise.

Another egregiously evil progandandist shill obsequiously serving as a Putain regime echo chamber, and a deconstruction those toxic contents by a gifted comedian and political commentator. Here are my own responses to a Putain propagandist troll claiming to be more knowledgeable and better informed than the credentialed experts solely on the strength of parroting "alternative facts." I doubt this troll ever set foot in a university campus library, let alone have the intellectual capacity to undertake research and actually formulate a lucid and cogent body of written thought, in stark contrast to repeating lies as an accomplished bullshit factory making pathetically desperate mendacious attempts to appear to be intelligent.
Inveterate liars will always be compulsive liars. Rather than setting any justifications based on any factual evidence and analytical reasoning, this bubbleheaded echo chamber for MAGA-ot/Putain propaganda entertains himself by poisoning less than discerning minds. This egregiously obnoxious oversimplification of contemporary events, while making mendacious claims of being capable of wider context “outside of the box” thinking, which is purely based on so-called “alternative facts,” has been brought to you by an avid Jimmy Dore fan who defecates on humanity while inducing discord and confusion in the interests of pathetic self-glorification.
“What a breath of fresh air and sanity amid the toxic smog of US propaganda.”
This is pure bullshit. There is not any evidence of alleged “US propaganda” with regard to the Putain-Ukraine war, and this is merely a pathetic false accusation against the mainstream media that strives to be professional within the confines of being run as major corporations.
“Her incredibly incisive analysis is smeared as pro Putin or anti democratic because it provides context and balance to the binary depiction of the Ukraine conflict.”
This is pure bullshit. There is nothing incisive about the vague comments that are prejudiced in favour of Putain’s regime, and taking subtle snipes at NATO as a successful peacekeeping organization. There is nothing in this ultraconservative podcast to suggest supposedly providing “context and balance.” This meaningless conflict is not “binary" either. There is nothing "binary" about analysing interenational events.
This makes as much sense as claiming that Denmark “blundered into the folly” of being invaded by Nazi Germany in 1940. There is truthful reporting based on primary source accounts and there are toxic lies emanating out Putain’s propaganda machinery and their western-based shills, including these disgraced sources of disinformation: Lara Logan, Kim Iversen, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, and now Jill Stein who is likewise acting as a MAGA-ot-Putain shill.
“She correctly sees that the Ukraine conflict is wider than the actual war. Her Big Picture description of the conflict as one of convergence of end stage Capitalism and end stage Empire is most insightful.”
There is not any indication of Jill Stein making these claims, and there is absolutely nothing insightful about the bizarre claims forwarded in this podcast serving only to pander to less than discerning minds who would love to be able to appear to be more intelligent than genuine scholars and responsible journalists providing facts with integrity.
“She accurately describes the loss of public confidence in the fundamental democratic institutions across the western world, which she sums up perfectly in the Supreme Court Justice quote, "We have a choice between extreme concentrations of wealth and power or democracy."
Pure bullshit. Is this MAGA-ot populist propaganda?
“She's right when she says the people are not stupid and do not consent.”
A purely subjective claim with no basis in fact regarding the aforementioned populist propaganda.
“Jill, as an honored Harvard physician, brilliantly depicts the US as a patient in intensive care suffering multiple conditions that need drastic attention. The war in Ukraine is but one of these conditions.”
Pure bullshit. The Biden administration is on a winning streak in terms of economic developments, which has absolutely nothing to do with Putain’s meaningless aggression aiming at expanding the power of his regime.
“So the rapturous acclaim Zelensky received from both sides of the US Congress for a non democratic Ukraine…”
Pure bullshit. Ukraine is in fact a democracy.
“…perfectly encapsulates how the representatives of the people have not only been bought by the weapons industry, but ignore all the other existential threats to all of us.”
Pure bullshit. The weapons industry is supplying demand for defensive purposes in Ukraine, in contrast to the aggressors supporting the Putain regime, which I will not dignify with calling Russia.
“She urges all of us to stand up and reclaim democracy from these pernicious oligarchs and move from militarized solutions to a more human peaceful world of international relations.”
Pure bullshit. Is this a pathetically veiled demand to cause chaos by supporting the Putain regime?
Jill Stein as an ersatz Fucker Carlson who stroke their audiences' egos by asking facetious questions that are targeted toward pre-determined mendacious claims based on "alternative facts," and thereby making their retard audiences feel like they're more intelligent than the genuine scholars who actually know what they're talking about. Pathetic!

Another low life loser in the Putain propagandist troll hall of shame, along with Jill Stein, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Lara Logan, et al, who despise humanity while pathetically promoting themselves on the strength of "alternative facts": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJpcZBu_Sq4&t=154s . Here are further direct quotations from a Putain troll who would mendacious claim to be "like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates" on the strength of pretentious claims based on Putain echo chamber trolls' contents, in contrast to having any demonstrable critical thinking skills: "You trumpet your qualifications etc which are meaningless and irrelevant if not practiced. You argue from authority which is exactly the time honored manner of the Establishment. And why the Royal Society's motto is " Never by Authority" after The Church's persecution of a 'dissenter'. You are blind to the truth which is self evident in front of you about Ukraine. But it doesn't matter, because I'll celebrate the liberation of the Donna's and its incorporation into the Russisn Federation as an independent state. As for Europe, time will prove me correct when the energy riots break out all over Europe in January."

Meanwhile, according to an alt-right bullshit factory, the Russian minority populations in Ukraine were supposedly "fighting for their lives against ethnic cleansing" supposedly staged by the "Azov battalion controlled Kerensky government" (purely on the basis of "alternative facts"), and according to a poisoned less than discerning mind: "Kerensky is a monster who's a kidnapper causing inflation" (also purely based on "alternative facts). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYuyuEu5m7k&t=475

History entails analysing and interpreting a reasonably realistic pattern of past events that cannot be necessarily re-created in the present or the future, and this process of evaluating credible evidence from corroborated and reliable sources from as any paradigms as possible can never be simplistically described as being merely supposedly "binary." However, patterns of human activity nevertheless repeat themselves with curious repetitiveness, including how political leaders can insist on making stubbornly asinine decisions. This also entails having less than discerning minds promoting themselves by riding on the coat tails of the wrong side of history as progress, or making meaningless sacrifices to different degrees, including disgracing themselves with their words and actions that have been recorded for posterity, including after making pathetic gaslighting and whitewashing attempts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmbFm2ekRpw .
Where are the (purely imaginary) "Russian historians" who have supposedly "predicted" that Ukraine would "blunder into the folly" of being invaded by the Putain regime (and are supposedly true historians based on solely mendacious claims)? What is any evidence of "ethnic cleansing of the Russian minority in Ukraine" who were supposedly "fighting for their lives" against the Kerensky administration that has supposedly been "controlled by the Azov battalion" that is supposedly a Nazi unit on the basis of having medieval runes on their uniforms (causing hysterical triggering), and any extremists therein having been dismissed in the view of the 2015 law outlawing political extremism of any kind? There is yet to be any justification for any accusations of Ukrainian war guilt, including how Putain's imperialist delusions have rejuvenated NATO composed of willing members, excluding Ukraine that chose not to join this purely (supposedly anachronistic with Sweden and Finland breaking with 200 years of neutrality?) defensive alliance between 1991 and 2014, and have not been eligible to join since Putain's meaningless aggression began.
Tragically, English speaking propagandists and their evil minions remain claiming to have knowledge of allegedly superior insightful nuances about contemporary history and current international events, yet being completely devoid of having any grasp of recognising how scholarly credentials are established by interpreting sources of credible evidence, along with vetting for quality control based on reasonably objective human intellect. Putain propangadist shills, if you're listening, do try to understand that populism fueled by licking the boots of "Alt-right" Putain regime echo chambers does not equate vindicating your claims for being able to engage in any modicum of critical thinking. Putain's "master plan" to disrupt the EU and NATO by testing their will to resist his imperialist colonial warmongering in the interest of maintaining democracy and lasting peace, including through causing energy shortages in the winter to disrupt democratic states, has ignominiously failed. At no time has NATO as a purely defensive organisation threatened the Putain regime, while Europe still always wanted to purchase Russian natural gas, and propagandist lies have evaporated in light of what has proven to be historical truths. This includes how Bunker Boy Donnie, the emperor god of white trash self-loathing losers, failed to be Putain's missile aimed at blowing up NATO to open the way for continued colonialist imperialism and continue causing further chaos in an already broken world. Grow up and face reality - history demonstrates progress, and anti-democratic frustrated losers and failures in life as toxic influences in society are going to keep inexorably losing. Get over your need to keep spitting the dummy.
These pestilences on the face of humanity are only disgracing themselves while making themselves look like evil idiots engaging in pathetic self-glorification on the strength of solely mendacious claims, while making pathetic mendacious claims about "speaking truth to power" and claiming to have superior knowledge about "false flag operations" to cater to their pathetic self-glorification special needs to overcompensate for their intellectual failings. Their time would be better served doing something more suitable for your intellectual potential - doing honest manual labour or playing with little boys and girls - rather than carrying on being pathetic pestilences on the face of humanity as self-styled self-loathing loser agents of chaos, in stark contrast to accomplished scholars and journalists with integrity striving for justice and peace.
Putain propagandist shills remain being idiotically in the same business of engaging in spreading cringy lies and disinformation aimed solely at causing discord and chaos to disrupt natural justice and peace while preserving the Putain-MAGA-ot-"evangelical" evil trinity. The following most egregious shills ought to eat their own special chocolate pies while left whimpering about "being silenced, censored, and cancelled by neoliberals engaging in culture wars and cancel culture, and having cognitive dissonance while virtue signaling," among other meaningless contents aimed only at obfuscating the truth: Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Fucker Carlson, Jill Stein, Michael Flynn, et al, and anyone else who is stupid and evil enough to believe what these Putain puppet trolls claim to supposedly be the truth, while history is eventually going to cast light on how their legacy is going to be composing a historical hall of of pure shame who have yet to be more thoroughly called out for their self-interest destructiveness and living with pseudologia fantastica disorders.
Sadly, one can only envisage how they can only have one move to follow straight out of the agent of chaos loser Steve Bannon playbook - continually fill the field with pure grotesque bullshit as usual, solely serving the purpose of inducing discord and chaos while despising humanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjJ6xzSUhE8&t=1741 . The long and painful arc human historical progress leans toward justice and peace, while the evil trinity of Putain shills/MAGA-ots/"evangelical Christian nationalists" constitute a cult of uneducated and ignorant losers and failures.
Putain propagandist trolls, if you're listening, I hope you could also enlighten the established experts with demonstrable credentials with your luminous understanding about international events and contemporary history so that others can testify to your ingenious command of incisive investigative powers leading to positing lucid and cogent argumentation with irrefutable "alternative facts" based on Putain propaganda.
There is going to be unconditional timeless veneration for your allegedly superior grasp of insightful nuances about Ukraine's alleged war guilt with marvelously fantastic precision, and supposedly seeing what us genuine scholars cannot fathom, to the extent of even bemusing Nobel Prize laureates. When are you retards orbiting the Putain-MAGA-ot axis finally going to justify your claim that "Ukraine is finished!", and when are you going to finally "celebrate the declaration of the Donbass region as an independent republic"? These idiotic and vile pretentious claims remain to be vindicated in factual reality.
Your allegedly superior intellect shall never be undermined by factual evidence and critical thinking to any degree throughout the current of time. You may stand to be schooled by how factual evidence is presented in a lucid manner by this Russian draft dodger who is not stupid enough to swallow the insipid tripe forwarded by English speaking Putain propagandist trolls whose lives are so devoid of meaning that they only strive to entertain themselves by causing discord and chaos while poisoning less than discerning minds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST5SKaK87bM&t=190 .
Personally, I still remain standing by with weary patience for mendacious claims to be supported with any "skerrick" of evidence supporting the veracity of Putain propagandists' claims, such as the Russian ethnic minority were supposedly "fighting for their lives against ethnic cleansing" and the Azov battalion was supposedly "controlling the Kerensky government," while there was any reason to get hysterically triggered by the medieval runes on the former's insignia on their uniforms, including in view of the 2015 law making any extremism illegal. What are the (completely imaginary) "Russian historians," so-called "true historians" no less, who supposedly "predicted" how Ukraine would "blunder into the folly" of having been invaded, including after having shown restraint from willingly joining NATO as a supposedly "anachronistic" organisation, including Sweden and Finland in direct reaction to Putain's imperialist delusions, saying now? Are these Putain propagandist shills still justifying Putain's meaningless aggression to promote themselves as still being "like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates" based on mendacious and pretentious claims? Is there is any credibility for claims for a "non-binary" insightful nuanced interpretation of Putain's imperialist delusions, it remains to be justified based on any factual evidence? Bring honour upon yourselves on the strength of your self-glorifying pretentious claims.
Tragically, one has to necessarily be pessimistic about whether these keyboard kamikaze losers are ever going to present any credible evidence for their totally pretentious and mendacious claims while being committed to causing chaos and discord.

History continues being in the making, and narcissistic compulsive liars claiming to have superior insightful "nuances" about Putain's imperialist delusions have yet to face reality, let alone provide any credible and corroborated evidence for their pathetic claims that is supposedly to demonstrate how "they're like smart person and a very stable genius" who should have received honourary doctorates.
While thriving on causing discord and chaos is being curbed through the continual revelations of natural justice as propagandist shills are being continually exposed for being the losers and retards that they are, please welcome MTG to the self-promoting MAGA-ot/Putain regime propagandist/"Evangelical" unholy trinity axis evil hall of shame. Where is the critical thinking and factual evidence behind their mendacious claims? Would anyone still like to support the claims made by Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Garland Nixon, Jill Stein, Fucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, et al, who are feasting on their special chocolate pies composed of "alternative facts?"
My offer as an accomplished historian for any minions on the confusion inducing and anti-Christian "Alt-right" a$$holes to present their unjustifiable (purely mendacious) "findings" to be published with scholarly quality control assurance vetting remains on the table, while John Mearsheimer is MIA blowing in the wind. I would advise you to go do library research, but I doubt you know how a book opens, let alone conduct scholarly research into secondary and primary sources, in totally stark contrast to serving as echo chambers for disgraced hacks.
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