Observations on meaningless imperialist colonialism. I

Feb 26, 2023 19:36

     I've been waging information warfare on different fronts since contemporary imperialist colonialism was launched shortly over a year ago, and am going to try posting them here in the interest and hope of educating anyone in the blogosphere who could be interested in these contents, which may be disseminated more widely at their own individual discretion. I've come to be extremely tired of seeing toxic stomach turning contents on different social media sites, and remain taking action to attempt to administer antidotes to already poisoned minds.


Truthful evaluations of factual evidence, in stark contrast to self-glorifying compulsive liars in the Putain progandists hall of shame. Discomfited MAGA-ots who are in fact failures in life as a result of being devoid of personal achievements, if you're listening, the Putain regime's military and economic apparatus is in tatters, while the EU is robust, NATO has been rejuvenated, and Putain has not achieved any war aims for his meaningless imperialist colonialism that have been repeatedly stymied. Baseless claims, such as "Ukraine is finished" that were supposedly based on superior insightful "nuances" have decisively been thrown into the garbage heap of history as progress along with the bullshit factory sources of these reeking mendacious claims, as with all pathetic losers who despise humanity, and are uselessly perpetuating the ongoing meaningless waste of human life and material while making pathetic attempts to glorify themselves by being echo chambers for Putain propaganda based solely on sprightly imaginings, as opposed to factual evidence and analytical reasoning.

If you're not too busy spitting the dummy while bleeding out of the eyes, try finally setting foot in a proper library and try to acquire some modicum of critical thinking skills, unless you need to at least try to finish high school someday, if there is a proper high school that isn't too far away from your trailer park. It is of course to be understood that demonstrable facts and applying analytical reasoning is going to be expecting too much from pathetic losers with mendacious pretensions of supposedly having intellectual potential. This is a complete opposite to facing the reality that Ukrainian soldiers and international volunteers have shown the world that they have what it takes to overcome even the worst situations, far away from Putain propagandist trolls with the intellectual and pedagogical advancements of a Fred Flintstone sitting at keyboards and entertaining themselves by causing mischief online, and parroting propaganda talking points that are devoid of established truths.

Are the Alt-right Putain propagandist trolls ever going to present their supposedly superior "alternative facts" in a lucid and cogent manner, or is their SOP continually going to merely compose filling the zone with pure bullshit to distract from the truth in the sole interest of causing discord and chaos? There is yet to be any credible evidence concerning alleged Ukrainian war guilt on the strength of a reasonable research plan to be executed according to credible and corroborated sources to yield lucid and cogent results in view of analysing paradigms composed of details and the big picture, as opposed to merely mechanically reproducing ultraconservative/Putain regime talking points, sans any critical thinking whatsoever.

At no time has Putain had no legal basis whatsoever to claim any Ukrainian territory or resources, and presumed that the rewards for invading Ukraine outweighed the inevitable costs, before blundering into the folly of launching a disastrous because he wanted resources to which he could not lay any claim under international law.

This live example of how a mind is a terrible thing to waste who very likely lives in a trailer park that's too far away from a proper high school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKYVGQKxUN0

Poor Russian sods were ordered to fight on the side of a butcher in Syria, along with destabilising African states, and now the meaningless loss of life and material is continuing by following the usual wasteful for the sole purpose of Putain's megalomaniacal self-glorification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVTaXkQheiw


Putain propagandist trolls, including Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Fucker Carlson, Jill Stein, Michael Flynn, Marjorie Taylor Green, Garland Nixon, et al, and their echo chambers parroting these Putain dirty sock puppets' "alternative facts," please eat your special chocolate pies in your MAGA-ot closets while being intellectually incapable of engaging in any independent critical thought.

Anyone who is interested in genuinely intelligent contents forwarded by a scholar-warrior with demonstrable expertise in analysing international events by applying critical thinking skills that the former personalities are devoid of, keep reading the contents below:

Robin Horsfall
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado
The War Putin Might Win

Putin lost his military campaign in Ukraine the day his convoy came to a halt on the road to Kyiv. The firm resistance of the Ukrainian people combined with western support reinforced that position every day since Feb 24th 2022.

The war that Putin could win is the propaganda war. He has been successful in this battle several times in the past. He knows that one of the 'weaknesses' of western democracy is the freedom for all people to voice their opinions. The development of social media in the past twenty years allowed the KGB/FSB in Russia to flood the internet with pro Russian dogma while hiding as concerned members of the public. They identify concerns of the everyday man and woman reading their Facebook pages and exaggerates them.
In his speech yesterday Putin focused on telling the Russian people that they are under threat but he also knew that the world media would report his every word. So, while he spoon fed the fears of his own people he also fed the fears of the rest of the world courtesy of international journalists. "Will Putin start WWIII?"

Putin has troll factories operating twenty-four hours a day that will post opinions on our media platforms to drive us into becoming a frightened, confused mass who think our leaders are taking us to the abattoir. They are not!

The war Putin might win (unless we are very aware) is the propaganda war. This is a war for the minds of people who live in a world with freedom of speech and the rule of law. If Putin can create enough doubt it can bring down governments.
There are several ways to defeat these attacks. Dominate the message, (which is what Joe Biden did in his visit to Kyiv), make people more aware of the trolls that come up on their pages and convince journalist to be less even handed and more opinionated against the actions of Putin.

Journalists must remind all the people, every day, that Putin broke his commitments to the UN, to Ukraine and to law based international relations when he invaded and attempted to conquer Ukraine. It is not just a journalist's responsibility to report news. It is their responsibility to report news responsibly. To take a moral position and hold it firmly.
Putin spent two hours lying yesterday and for two hours he was fighting his propaganda war.

We must all fight back on this battlefield so that we can remain united and victorious in the cause of Ukraine and the greater cause of freedom.

Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares.
Robin Horsfall

According reporting and analysis, in stark contrast to shills with pseudologia fantastica disorders who pathetically glorify themselves on the strength of alternative facts": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNcWH9TJffg
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