Law related things going on in my life:
1) I have less than 3 weeks left to my articling term;
2) I passed my Solicitor Bar Exam (which I initially failed in June 2014, but re-wrote in March 2015);
3) I passed my Barrister Bar Exam back in June 2014;
4) I've got my JD;
5) I will confirm with my boss today that she has completed all the paperwork to show I've completed my articles;
6) I spoke with my boss and received an ambivalent answer with respect to a permanent job after my articles are completed (but I'm hardly unique in that);
7) I have to get measured for
barrister's robes. :P
Church related things going on in my life:
1) Our church had info sessions on the new sex ed curriculum that's going into effect September 2015. Once again we've got people signing petitions on behalf of "the church" when I'd argue a good half of us completely opposite the petition.
2) We've passed the motion to dedicate additional funds for disaster relief (e.g., Nepal earthquake). Though we've always had special collections for disaster relief, this motion allows us to donate immediately without waiting for approval to conduct a special collection.
Family/friend related things going on in my life:
1) My high school friend in Halifax (aka H) got married in Cuba three weeks ago. I attended out of affection for her, not out of any particular desire to sit on a beach. It was good, though, especially as I hadn't hung out with her Halifax friends since my trip in 2009.
2) My best friend and her husband are likely going on strike soon.
3) My parents are very, very happy I passed my Solicitor Bar Exam. *facepalm* I suppose I shouldn't judge them since I don't know what it's like to be a parent, worrying about my child's successes and failures.
* * *
I understand that
atpotch recently posted his thoughts on the manifestos of the five major UK political parties in anticipation of the election. He has not tagged these posts, unfortunately, but they begin with this
introductory post and conclude on April 26, 2015, with
the Labour Party. For those of you voting in the UK, I highly recommend checking out TCH's comments as he's an astute thinker and a brilliant writer.
* * *
I'm in the middle of reading TCH's post about his trip to Paris and feeling quite a lot of travel envy. I've been hesitating about whether to go on a long vacation immediately after my articles are complete, before my Call to the Bar in June. Truthfully I should be focused on finding a job, but I know that this may very well be my last opportunity for extensive travel for at least two or three years -- assuming I do find a job.
Usually I don't use a travel agent, but I was hoping to find a decent last-minute deal for a Scandinavian trip. The agent suggested either a 9-day or 11-day cruise that starts in Copenhagen and goes through Oslo, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Helsinki and Stockholm. This sounds awesome to me, but it's also way pricier than I'd like! Cruises are priced best when you're travelling as a pair.
Um... I don't suppose there's anyone on my flist interested in taking a cruise with me?
I mean, it's kinda terrible that I'm throwing this out there when I haven't really been on LJ/DW in months and months, and haven't really kept up with people on FB either. But there's no harm in asking, right...? (Hi, how is everyone doing???)
I was planning on going sometime between May 16 and June 21. I usually travel alone and maybe meet up with people in different cities, and I'd still have fun doing a trip on my own, but IMHO a cruise would definitely be more fun with a friend!
Or it doesn't have to be a cruise? Like, I just want to go on vacation. Any suggestions for what I should do? I want to see Copenhagen at some point in my life, but I'm open to ideas.
Do you guys have any travel plans of your own? Exams are over, I think, for those of you in university. Do you guys have jobs for the summer?
I prefer
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