Elementary 1x15 (no spoilers); my thoughts on slashy het

Feb 15, 2013 01:32

I'm still offline, but next week is reading week and I wanted to give myself a short break from my self-imposed exile from fandom so I could post about Elementary. ♥this show♥ No spoilers! Just wanted to ramble about my newest pairing. I don't ship many canon het pairings, but I really do enjoy Sherlock Holmes/Joan Watson on Elementary. They have such excellent chemistry! Of course, it helps that I adore both Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller--and think they're gorgeous.

But as with most slashy couples I ship, I'm not particularly invested in whether they get together "for real" in canon. While I'd love to see more LGBT characters in canon, specifically as main characters with fully fleshed-out lives and relationships, I don't want fandom to start dictating which slash pairings should be made canon. Sherlock/Joan feel very much like a "slash" pairing to me, despite the genderswap, which means I don't feel a need for them to get together on the show. (Well, I hardly ever feel that way about any pairing, and haven't since BtVS S2...) Of course if they do start a romance, more power to them! And if they keep up this level of writing and acting, I'll probably enjoy watching their partnership transform into something else, whereas I'm bored to tears by most straight couples doing the "will they, won't they" dance once the pining drags on past one season. But hopefully the Elementary writers will handle any potential romance very carefully, if only because of Watson's original gender.

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sherlock/joan, het, canon, slash, tv:elementary/sherlock

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