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You can bid on me here! Day Five: Favourite female character on a male-driven show
Stargate SG-1 counts as male-driven, IMHO, even after Vala joins in S9. So yes, Colonel Doctor Samantha Carter, whom I fell in love with at first sight, then later hated (unfairly) for the Jack/Sam UST that dragged on foreeeever, and then grew to love EVEN MORE when she rejoined the team as part of SG-1 v2.0. I also loved her as commander of Atlantis--Season 4 is my favourite season of SGA. (On a shallow note, Tapping's 40s have been good to her.) Sam is awesome, plain and simple. She's a soldier, a scientist, a friend, and a leader. Her heart's as big as her brains. I love her journey from gung-ho young captain, coming on strong so the big boys will accept her as an equal, to seasoned colonel who has the trust and respect of her subordinates and who is finally
accorded the position that is her due: captaincy of a spaceship.
Day 1: Favourite lead female character: Buffy Summers, BtVSDay 2: Favourite supporting female character: Faith, Angel/BtVSDay 3: A female character you hated but grew to love: None!Day 4: A female character you relate to: Dawn Summers and Tara Maclay (BtVS), JJ (Criminal Minds), Keladry (Tamora Pierce)Day 5: Favourite female character on a male-driven show: Sam Carter, SG-1/SGADay 6: Favourite female-driven show
Day 7: A female character that needs more screen time
Day 8: Favourite female character in a comedy show
Day 9: Favourite female character in a drama show
Day 10: Favourite female character in a scifi/supernatural show
Day 11: Favourite female character in a children's show
Day 12: Favourite female character in a movie
Day 13: Favourite female character in a book
Day 14: Favourite older female character
Day 15: Favourite female character growth arc
Day 16: Favourite mother character
Day 17: Favourite warrior female character
Day 18: Favourite non-warrior female character
Day 19: Favourite non-human female character
Day 20: Favourite female antagonist
Day 21: Favourite female character screwed over by canon
Day 22: Favourite female character you love but everyone else hates
Day 23: Favourite female platonic relationship
Day 24: Favourite female romantic relationship
Day 25: Favourite mother/daughter and/or sister relationship
Day 26: Favourite classical female character
Day 27: A female character you have extensive personal canon for
Day 28: Favourite female writer (television, books, movies, etc.)
Day 29: A female-centric fic rec
Day 30: Whatever you'd like!
I prefer
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