Remus Lupin genfic

Jul 30, 2010 16:58

Spoilers for Deathly Hallows! Er, I don't know if a spoiler warning is really necessary, but I'll stick one here anyway.

(Disclaimer: I get bisexuality, I really do.)

Reading Harry Potter gen with Remus/Tonks subtext is hurting my brain. It's not that I hate the pairing, because "hate" is too strong a word, and I'm too much in love with Teddy Lupin and Harry as godfather to enjoy the theory that Remus isn't Teddy's biological father. But the very notion of Remus and Tonks being romantically involved simply Does Not Compute. For me, anyway.

Which means there's a lot of gen, and even het, that I have difficulty reading because the "taken for granted" Remus/Tonks bits keep tripping me up. Like, I've been searching for good Harry/Hermione fic, but so much of it has Remus/Tonks as a side-pairing and I just... I don't even know what to do with that. *flails*

Ah well. I suppose this is why I stick to genfic by slashers or slash-friendly writers. They're less likely to assume Remus is straight, even when he's single and romance isn't the focus.

OTOH, slashfic in which Snape spent his life deeply in love with someone other than Lily generally has me making this face: O.o

I prefer comments on Dreamwidth |

character:teddy lupin, het, slash, meta:fanfic, canon:harry potter

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