So today is apparently
Day of non-TOS Trek! In celebration of all Star Treks not The Original Series, I will link to YouTube clips of some of my favourite moments of DS9. (Because you can never have enough DS9. *g*)
The Way You Look Tonight montage from DS9 series finale, "What We Leave Behind": This montage chokes me up every. single. time! There are a hundred things DS9 did right, but probably the best thing it ever did was give us friendships--strong, snarky, sweet, passionate, unshakable friendships, some of which turned into romances and some of which didn't.
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"These are my... These are my friends." Here's an awesome team/friendship moment from "The Circle" (2x02), after Major Kira becomes the victim of political shenanigans and gets reassigned against her will. This scene feels like something from a stage play, not a TV show.
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Final scene of "What We Leave Behind", DS9 series finale: The wormhole, blooming. Jake, gazing out into the heavens, wondering. Waiting. Kira, offering comfort to the son left behind. The two of them, silent, framed in the oval window, the camera pulling back to reveal the station's exterior, pulling back, back, back until the station recedes, a tiny speck in the vastness of space. Beautiful.
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"The Siege" 2x03, Kira and Dax pass the Bechdel test with flying colours: Kira and Dax get a battered old Bajoran fighter in the air so they can stop an extremist group from overthrowing the government. They dogfight using "seat-of-the-pants" technology! They dress up like priests (or the Bajoran equivalent) to sneak past the authorities! These two women are made of so much awesome. \o/
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Battle to Retake Deep Space Nine: This is technically a vid--orchestral music set to the battle sequence from "Sacrifice of Angels". I don't know how this sequence reads to someone unfamiliar with DS9 spaceships, but for me, seeing those ships in action--the Starfleet vessels arrayed in such an orderly fashion, the combined Dominion and Cardassian fleet an impenetrable wall against their attack--it tells a story. The tiny Starfleet fighters darting in and out, the Jem'Hadar ships manoeuvring easily versus the Galaxy-class ships, the Galor-class vessels unmovable bulwarks. Then, the awful destruction of the two Miranda-class ships flanking the Defiant. Three Jem'Hadar ships on the Defiant's tail as it tries to power through the Dominion defenses. The Klingons! The Klingon birds of prey, entering the battle at that pivotal moment! It's a story told through action, through battle. A 3D chess game with deadly consequences. *♥ my show*
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But DS9 wasn't all war and death, either. For contrast, have some scenes from "Take Me Out to the Holosuite".
"To manufactured triumph!"
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Jadzia + Worf = ♥♥♥
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Meta Rec: You should totally check out
selenak's post for Non-TOS Trek Day, with
links to her old meta and a fic rec.
Vid Rec: You should also check out
cosmic-llin's fantastic
DS9 ensemble vid, set to David Bowie's "Heroes". Sooo much awesome!
I prefer
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