"Morning Underground", SGA/SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, AU

Sep 14, 2009 03:00

Title: Morning Underground
Series: Part 2 of the Tour of Europe series (WIP), sequel to London Afternoon
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fic by scroll, fic:canon:sga, fic:series:tour of europe, canon:stargate, au, fic:canon:sg1, fic:ship:john/cam

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Comments 45

ariadne83 September 14 2009, 07:50:55 UTC
So, so awkward. I love it :D


scrollgirl September 14 2009, 13:44:55 UTC
Thanks :) And yet, this John is quite possibly *marginally better* at talking about feelings than our John.


gaffsie September 14 2009, 08:01:59 UTC
Aww, John is so endearing when he's all awkward and apologetic. Something tells me that this romance won't be all smooth sailing for him. ;)


scrollgirl September 14 2009, 13:46:00 UTC
Hee! He really is. And I wouldn't want to make it too easy for them, right?


rubygirl29 September 14 2009, 13:20:20 UTC
Oh, I just ache for John! Will we find out why his head is so screwed up that he needs a therapist? Not that I doubt he does! LOL. Cam has a lot more resistance that I do. His character is just right. You could keep this going for a long time and I'd read every word!


scrollgirl September 14 2009, 13:57:20 UTC
John probably needs a therapist in every alternate reality! In this AU, it's mostly that he never had the focus and sense of belonging he got from being Air Force, plus 30+ years of being in the closet and conforming to his dad's standards of a good son.

Cam really got burned the first day. I figure he doesn't have much experience with guys, having only come out after DADT got repealed. He's gun-shy but John will win him over, no worries!


rubygirl29 September 14 2009, 14:20:42 UTC
He's gun-shy but John will win him over, no worries!

I never doubted that! But you're making it an interesting ride ... especially on a crowded underground train. I love London ...


scrollgirl September 14 2009, 14:23:55 UTC
Well, they're moving on from London now. France is next! But I'll see about having them return before they head back to the U.S. *g*


colls September 14 2009, 14:34:16 UTC
London? Paris? It's a regular European whirlwind tour - awesome! And Paris sounds so romantic. :)

I'm so glad you're continuing this series!


scrollgirl September 14 2009, 15:07:09 UTC
Well, I'll admit to a bit of self-insertion here, because I was in Europe in August last year. So they'll probably hit some of the cities I hit :D

It's fun writing this series! *pets the boys*


skypilot_dlm September 14 2009, 17:39:25 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you're continuing. Poor screwed up awkward John. He Really messed up with Cam, but I'm hpoeful for them. Although something tells me it won't be all smooth sailing for these two. I am eagerly awating the next installment!


scrollgirl September 14 2009, 18:31:58 UTC
No such thing as easy, when it comes to John! He's much harder to write when there's no context (Atlantis) and I have to invent more backstory. But I'm hopeful too, because they really did click ;)


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