I has voted!

Oct 14, 2008 19:33

Go me! My parents, sister, and I went to vote right after work. My brother, lazy bum that he is, will not be voting -- again. If you're in Eastern Standard Time, you've still got 2 hours left to vote!

I'm gonna pop some The West Wing into the DVD player tonight. I'm thinking "Game On" and then "Election Night". Oh Sorkin. ♥
SAM: It's not a party.

CJ: It IS a party.

SAM: Yeah, but we won. We don't have to pander.

TOBY: Please don't say that.

CJ: On your birthday, don't we pander to you?

SAM: Not as much as I'd like.

TOBY: I'm not kidding.

CJ: What are you babbling about?

TOBY: We haven't won anything yet.

CJ: The speech is done.

TOBY: TWO speeches are done.

CJ: What's the second?

TOBY: I've got a speech if he wins, I've got a speech if he doesn't.

SAM: You wrote a concession?

TOBY: Of course I wrote a concession! You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?

SAM: No.

TOBY: Then go outside, turn around three times and spit! What the hell's the matter with you?

SAM: It's like 25 degrees outside.


JOSH: Hello.

CJ: [in foreign accent] Oh, Mr. Lyman. I see your picture in the magazine. Tell me, if I swallow my ballot, does it still...?

JOSH: A little election day humor-- that's great.

SAM: He wrote a concession speech.

JOSH: Of course he wrote a concession speech. Why wouldn't he? What POSSIBLE reason would he have for not writing a concession speech?

SAM: The wrath from high atop the thing.

TOBY: He upped and said we were gonna...

JOSH: No! You got to go outside, turn around three times and curse.

TOBY: Spit.

JOSH: Spit and curse.

TOBY: Do everything. Go!





Sam gets up and leaves the room.

JOSH: These things have a half-life.

Of course, I don't think anyone in Harper or Dion's office is really on pins and needles about the outcome of this election. Maybe for a few ridings here and there, sure. But we're gonna have the same Conservative minority gov't we had before.

tv:the west wing, politics, canada

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