OH DEAN. Only this time I mean Dean Forester, not Winchester!
I've finished all the episodes of Season 1 that had Dean in them, I've seen about half of his eps in S2, a couple more from S3, and now I'm
reading transcripts because I've reached my download limit at MegaUploads, which sucks because I want more DEAN. He's just so... pretty and sweet and such a good boyfriend, he and Rory are so adorable together, he's got fascinating chemistry with Lorelai, and I even love how he is around Lane, and with Max and Luke. Oooh, and with Richard! Awesome scenes. Dean Forester is what Sam might've been, if he'd had a normal childhood, only with more of Dean Winchester's taste in cars and music.
Plus, I can't help find it incredibly charming that Lorelai calls him "beautiful" and "pretty", and Miss Patty pervs on him so inventively!
MISS PATTY: Dean-o, Dean-o, Dean-o. If you grow any taller, I'm gonna have to get myself some mountain climbing equipment.
DEAN: You're getting dangerous to even walk near, you know that, Patty.
MISS PATTY: I've been told.
DEAN: You looking for Mr. Doose?
MISS PATTY: Oh, precious, no. I'm just looking.
DEAN: Okay. Well, uh, enjoy.
MISS PATTY: Oh, I always do. Ahh.
Is it a little disturbing how much I love older women perving on this seventeen-year-old boy? (Perving in the most wholesome, family drama kind of way.) Because seriously, I'd perv too, even if I was Lorelai's age. He's just so... Dean. *leer*
I've met Jess, finally. Don't hate him, but don't really care either. Well, since I keep fast-forwarding through his scenes so I can get back to Lorelai and Luke and Emily and Richard and, well, Dean and pretty much everybody else who isn't Jess, I suppose my assessment of his character is a little lopsided.
In other news, my aunt from California is here for a few weeks. We spent some time after dinner yesterday looking through photos of her recent vacation in China. Beautiful country. Maybe one day I'll visit, get back to my roots.