It's, like, 1:30am and I should be asleep. I have to get to work early tomorrow. But I wrote fic, mostly to cheer up
pocky_slash because she was having a bad morning. (And, after all, she was so kind as to
write Sam/Will for me.) Fortunately, things have improved for her since this morning, I believe
Read more... )
(Also because I love Toby/Sam and I'd love to read anything you've written, if you wanted to share...)
It isn't that I don't want to share. Because really, if I want anything, it's for someone to take this fic away from me and finish it tell me it's worth finishing. But it's not written chronologically, and there's some pretty important bits still missing.... Loosely the plot is that Sam loses the election, but stays in politics in California. He and Toby start a sort of relationship, which turns into an actual relationship after the leak, when all hell breaks loose. But, because this is both mine and TWW world, Sam still ends up elected. So should have plenty of opportunity to have a little chat with Will... If only I could find out where. Oh, other stuff happens, people die, other people get sick, or pregnant, and break-up, but that's how it starts.
Hee! My greedy nature says we should both write it. Double the porn!
Well, I've written about 180 words now of Sam and Will with Will in Congress and Sam in the West Wing. I'll keep you posted, and tell you if I ever find the porn. Cause I have the opposite problem - I can write them chatting forever, but logical progression into sex? Tricky
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