Ganked from
10 years ago (1996):
1) I had my first and only surprise birthday party.
2) I got stuck with a pothead slacker for a lab partner, discovered we both loved Sailor Moon, became friends with him and helped him pass biology.
3) I still played the piano and flute.
4) I was on Year 3 of my One True Crush.
5) I stayed a virgin.
5 years ago (2001):
1) I lived with A in the winter, then moved in with J in the fall.
2) I worked in publishing and had crappy manager.
3) I was one of 8 bridesmaids for my cousin.
4) I watched CNN on September 11.
5) I wrote bad poetry.
1 year ago: (2005)
1) (shamelessly copied from
raedbard) I started watching The West Wing and, well. A said "I told you so."
2) I wrote my longest, best-received fanfic to-date, my Jack/Daniel ficathon story
"This Is the Alternative". (Soon to be eclipsed by my NaNo project, I hope.)
3) I met my roomies,
buffyannotater and
atpotch, for the first time. *hugs her boys* As well as many other ATPoers :)
4) I went to New York City.
5) I saw my country legalise gay marriage.
1) I took an absolutely necessary 1 1/2 hour lunch break and ate an ice cream bar.
2) I walked around downtown, which is something I don't do often enough.
3) I read SPN fic and failed to leave feedback.
4) I failed to reply to feedback from folks on the Josh/Sam Yahoo list on my
Josh/Sam fic.
I surfed links for inspiration for my NaNoWriMo project. 5 Snacks I like:
1) Ice cream
2) Chips (regular, plain or ruffled)
3) Cheese cake (is this really a snack food?)
4) Fruit
5) Cookies
5 Songs I know all the words to:
1) Amazing Grace
2) I Will Enter His Gates
3) Joyful, Joyful
4) Hark, the Herald
5) Shine, Jesus, Shine
If I had a million dollars:
1) I'd buy my parents a new house and/or car.
2) I'd travel more. Probably. Maybe.
3) (stealing from Em again) Grad school or another BA, or work part-time and study part-time.
4) I would sooo make Amazon my bitch ;)
5) Pay for J and her husband's tickets so we could all go to A's cruise wedding next year.
Things I would never wear in public:
1) Anything skintight. But if you've got the body, you might as well flaunt it. I went to high school with dance majors so I know of what I speak.
2) Stilettos. Because I'm not into pain.
3) T-shirts with anything truly obscene or offensive. I just couldn't do it.
4) I'll go with Em again and say I'd never wear a mascot/animal suit thing. You couldn't pay me enough.
5) Um. Bondage gear? (what? well, I wouldn't)
Favourite movies at the moment:
1) Superman Returns
2) Pride and Prejudice
3) V for Vendetta
4) Batman Begins
5) Superman Returns (what?)
Not LJ-cutting this: Anybody who is a fan of Superman and Batman, or a fan of Superman Returns and Batman Begins, or a fan of slash, or a fan all three, go go go GO read
jij's fantastic
Music of the Spheres series (ETA:
on AO3). I followed this series as Jen wrote it, chapter by chapter, and I'm sorry it's over. But it's beautiful and sweet, and oh, alien and magical. It filled my hunger for post-Superman Returns fic, with bonus movie!Bruce who is still, miraculously, not quite as batshit insane as his comics or toons version. World's finest, a 2-for-1 special.
5 Bad habits:
1) Not answering emails.
2) Procrastination.
3) Losing patience with my dad too quickly.
4) Staying up late when I should be sleeping.
5) Eating junk food.
5 Biggest joys:
1) Friends
2) Fiction
3) Fandom
4) Food
5) Family (okay, now I'm forcing the alliteration)
Fictional people I would date:
1) Tara Maclay
2) Charles Gunn
3) Dawn Summers
4) Will Bailey
5) Sam Seaborn, though I'd kinda wonder what he saw in me!
Now you guys!