Where's Bill Thomas when he's needed by a spandex wearing rock god?

Aug 26, 2008 18:58

TSaw this on Myspace and I must know people who could go and kick arse?
It's from Hot Leg the new band of Justin Hawkins ex of the Darkness, so if glamster hamstering is your thing....

The Leg is shooting a video for Trojan Guitar next weekend.

This will involve swords, sorcery and sauciness in equal measure.

Would you like to charge around in a big field by a castle wielding swords and whatnot? We're after medieval re-enactment types with their own costumes, weapons, vague sense of how to wield stabbing implements etc.

The shoot will be in striking distance of London. You'll have to find your own way there but Man Rock, massacre and mayhem lie at the end of your journey. We need as big an army as possible for one day and a select few for the other, when we'll be shooting the big fight scene with the band.

Think Frank Miller's 300, but for 300 pounds. With a little Hawk the Slayer and Krull thown in for good measure.

Send an email to hawkins.video@gmail.com with the following details...

- Your availability from Saturday 30th August to Tuesday 2nd September
- A photo of yourself
- A list of any weapons you're bringing along.

Don't message The Leg on here about this because that would be a waste of time. Contact the director directly at hawkins.video@gmail.com

See you there!
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