High School Love (GAG!!)

Apr 11, 2004 22:46

Ok so lately I have been thinking about high school relationships, and their "complexity"  this plus the venting moment with Williams and Emily has got me thinking on the vomit worthy topic of HIGH SCHOOL LOVE. And being the self proclaimed "philosopher" that I am, I have come up with my own reasoning to this.

High school love,the manifestation of the minds of todays hormone infested youth, can simply be explained.  It is the excuse for the shallow and vapid relationships that develop in our adolescence.  By giving our lustful feelings a more "sophisticated" name, we are giving our lives a new sense of meaning.  Love is something meaningful and  when we instill meaning into our lives it gives the teenage years purpose.  The relationships we invest our time in, are no longer  a viscous cycle of headache and heartache but now have a depth.

This artificial depth placed into our relationships almost allows us to get the sense of being adults.  Maturity is something we ase youth are consistently searching for.  We yearn for the idea of being adults (minus the responsibility of course) and most of a teenage career is spent searching for the quickest way to reach this goal.  Love is just another outlet into the adult world. With love comes the existence of "real-life" relationships. By being "in love," the adult relationship rules come into place.

High school love gives the recipients an artificial high, much like one that a person  can get from drugs are alcohol.  Much like ecstasy, high school love at the start can give you a new level of exhilaration. In the beginning, one is on a high that is unparalleled.  Suddenly, that high drags that person down and they crash and burn like never before. We have all seen it happen.  Its similarity to young alcohol abuse is shocking.  At first glance one sees this "substance" of love and it seems like the answer to all the problems and it will bring a new level of happiness.  In all actuality it is a depressant that one quickly gets stuck on.  The addiction of being in high school love I believe is the scariest I believe.  It leads to total self destruction on numerous levels.

We also tend to love those who embody what we will never have.  Many people look at one of my best friends Emily Pipenbrink and see red hair and a developed chest.  This immediately stimulates the thoughts of a certain high profile teen actress, Lindsay Lohan.  Emily then becomes the realistic goal for the unattainable prize.  This infatuation is often clouded by thoughts love when in all actuality it is a demented obsession.  When we find the Brad Pitt that rules the halls of our high school campus, we fall into this same pit of obsession.

High school love is merely a form of comfort. We cling to what we know, and this concept does not exclude clinging to people. High school love provides repetition and familiarity. This young love provides an immediate guarantee of something to do on the weekend, thus providing the same type of security Peanuts character Linus found in his blanket.  It was always there and never seemed to leave his side, much like what one can observe with high school relationships

My observations have drawn me to the conclusion that high school love is a figment of our imagination.  We invest waisted time into it, much like we did as 5 year olds watching Barney.  The thought of high school love is as preposterous as a stuffed dinosaur coming to life.  Sure the intentions of both are equally good but the reality of it is all based on our imagination.

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