Oct 31, 2007 19:32
There haven't been many Trick or Treaters tonight. We had 1 group with about 7 kids in it....that's sorta it. I was hoping for more but I don't know. It's only 7:30 so I really feel that I still have a hour in a half left for more kids to show up. It's my first living on my own Halloween, so I really wished for a good number of kids showing up for candy and pro wrestling flyers. Yes I'm also using Halloween as a excuse to shill out Devil Mountain Wrestling show flyers. I actually went out today and bought 4 bags of candy (Kit Kat's, 1,000 Grand, Crunch bars, and Mr. Goodbar) in hopes I'd get a good number of kids, but nothing yet. Well except 3 more kids just popped up so maybe there's still hope for tonight.
In the meantime, I'll just watch the Ghosthunters marathon that's running on Sci-fi. There's a new episode where they go to a insane asylum where thousands of people have died and if I remember right, this insane asylum was actually on that MTV show Fear years ago, so if it's the same one, it should be a good haunting...hopefully.