Another Job Interivew, and other things.

Sep 18, 2007 23:15

I had another job interview today, yeah I'm still looking for that part time 2nd job. The interview was for a Blockbuster in Pleasant Hill. I felt the interivew went pretty well, myself and the guy who interviewed me got along pretty well and I really put over the fact that I used to work for Gamecrazy which was under Hollywood Video so he would know I have a lot of experiance working for a company like Blockbuster. Technically while Hollywood Video and Gamecrazy were two differant stores under one company, pretty much everything went the same way other than what we sold/rented. Blockbuster and Hollywood Video are both the same way, when it comes to things. If I took the time to explain what both companies highers up wanted, you would agree with me.

The interview lasted about 10 to 15 minutes, and like I said, we talked about my previous job history a lot and he really didn't seem dissapointed in what I had to offer or with anything else. I explained to him that I'm involved with the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Pro Wrestling and both things seemed to get him more intrested in what I had to say, plus it was a segway so I could explain to him that I do have a pretty busy schdule but I'm able to give him the dates/times that I can't work and explained to him all I wanted was just about 20 hours a week, a few days a week, and he seemed alright with that.

I won't hear back from him until Friday, so we'll see how things go. I could really use the job at Blockbuster as money is still really tight with me at the moment, and it would be awesome to have some extra money on the side so I do other things with my money than just pay my bills.

Speaking of Pro Wrestling (hey look another segway), my training ends Jan 2008, and I don't think I'm going to go back to training. I'm really really thinking about just becoming a full time Referee. While I enjoy the training, it's almost been a year and I honestly I haven't improved much at all. I've improved on some things here and there, but I'm no where near where I feel I should be. I also seem to be forgetting things as well, a few weeks ago I finally taught myself that I could actually front flip, but we took a week in a half off after the last Devil Mountain Show and now I'm pretty much back at square one with front flipping and I can't fix it right no and for this week, we're taking another week off because the ring is down and we're not putting it back up until most likely Monday as we have a show this Saturday, which means I can't really work on figuring out how to flip again. Which really really sucks as I'm very frustrated with myself for forgetting how to do it. I'm still not 100% sure if I just want to Ref though, either way I still plan at least taking a few months off from pro wrestling training in 2008 to figure out what I want to do and because I don't want to sign up for another year right away. I'm also going to start paying for dental stuff again, and I think I want to put the money I'm spending on training towards my dental work. So thats where I think I stand with that.

Though, on a quick note, I'm making my Referee debut in Sacramento on Sunday. I'm excited about that for two reasons. 1. The promotion is a very well-known promotion here in Nor-Cal and 2. I actually made a New Year's Resolution to work at least one show for them, so I'm fulfilling that Resolution this Sunday.

Speaking of shows, you know, I'm still not burnt out on Rocky Horror at all, and I'm no where near looking at Rocky as a chore, and posting that sentenance made me realize I have to call Stagecraft to check on a blub for one of the spotlights, something for me to do tomorrow. Rocky is going really well, and I'm looking forward to the Bondage A-Go-Go show next Weds on the 26th. Last time we went last year, I kinda just walked around the club and watched all the happenings that was going...and I also got a 20 minute massage as well, which was well needed. The cool thing about this coming Bondage show, is that my roommate Monique is SUPPOSE to be going with me.

For those who don't know, Monique used to be a cast member for either the Berekely Cast or Barely Legal....I can't remember and she's not here so I can't ask, either way she used to be a cast member and thats the important thing *nods*, and she really hasn't seen a lot of her old cast members in a very long time, so I'm looking forward to seeing their reactions when they all see each other again and maybe hearing old stories of Rocky happenings. I actually tried to see if she could Trixie for the show as she used to be a Trixie, but the line up for the Bondage show was already made up when I asked, so she can't, but it's all good. I know she's just looking forward to going to the show and seeing her old friends.

That's just some of the things going on with me in my life right now, I'm still single, I'm still living with a roommate, and I'm somehow still on a road driving from show to show being a weekend warrior, it's all good times. I'm going to end the blog now, as I think my sheet that is in the dryer is almost done and I'm freaking tired. So Goodnight!
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