Jul 11, 2007 22:42
So I really haven't spoken about it on livejournal or Myspace but I'm starting to learn/study/audition for on-stage roles.
I have already started one audition and that was to become a MC. The plan is for me to become a back up MC...meaning I'd only do it every once in awhile. Which is fine, I have no problem only doing it every once in awhile at all.
My auditions for MC has already it's up and downs. The first part of my audition was to do the rules, which went really well, well from the sound of it anyways. I only hear positive stuff after I did the rules.
The second part of my audition....didn't go so well. The second part of the audition is to introduce the cast for that night. I didn't forget anyone's name or anything but I guess I was talking on the mic to low and monotone which gave the guy who was running sound to mess around with the knobs on the soundboard so the crowd could hear me better, which gave back mic feed back through the speakers.
Right before I was going to introduce who was playing Rocky and Crim (the last two in the line up), for some reason the song just stopped, I don't think it was over because it just sounded like it stopped in the middle of it. By this time, in my mind I already knew that the audition was pretty my over with because it had already gone bad and without thinking I said "keep going". Which I shouldn't have done but my mind at that point was just worried about making sure I get the names right.
The music starts back up, right where it left off, and I introduced who was playing Rocky and Crim for that night (notice I'm not using names.)..then before I can even start talking again, Frank's music starts playing! Yes the person up there, I think, forgot to hit pause so I could introduce Frank, three seconds later, pause was hit and I introduced who was playing Frank.
After introducing Frank, I made a quick annoucement and was going to hand the mic back to Nate (ok, only name I'm going to use for this.) when I got a look from Nate...and then I realized the rest of the cast was looking at me. I had to tell the cast to go and get ready for the show and I didn't know that until I realized it while they were all at this point giving me the eye.
So I dissmissed the cast and handed the mic back to Nate. I then left the stage and headed back to the lighting area, very dissapointed and pist off at myself. I already knew I sucked and when the person who was juding me came up to me, I told this person "I know, it sucked" and I said I was sorry. I was told I did fail the audition but I could have another choice. My main problem was the fact that I was quiet and monotone on the mic so next time I just need to really project my voice and maybe do it as if I was a wrestling annoucer. So I know what I need to do to fix it and maybe become that back up MC.
The 2nd on-stage role that I'm just starting to learn is Rocky. I just started studying the dvd for Rocky's movments and by studying, I mean I'm taking notes on just about everything he does. So far I've done Rocky's birth to Eddie's song.
The first step for me to do this is to just take notes on all the scenes Rocky is in and over time until I get all the notes taken down, I'll be studying the notes at work when I have free time. Normally I get about 30 mintes to 2 hours of free time due to picking up stuff from other companies, so that gives me a lot of time to study my notes.
The second step will be me trying to do all the movements along to the movie.
The third step will be me trying to do all the movements without watching the movie but having someone watch me along side the movie so they can see what I'm doing wrong or forgetting.
The forth step will probably be a audition and getting costuming.
My plan is to try and match all the movements with the sound of the movie but we'll see how that goes. It will be a slow work in progress but at least I've started to work on it. I'll do tiny updates as I go with this and we'll see how it all plays out.
It's a bit weird trying to get on-stage roles now. I didn't really think I wanted to even try to do anything on stage but just stay behind the lights and do backstage/tech stuff, but at the same time I also know we need more guy roles filled so thats kind of the reason I'm stepping up to do Rocky. MC is just something I've been given a shot at, we technically don't even NEED a MC or a back up MC, but I've been given a chance at it, which I'm very greatful for.
As far as me trying out as Rocky, it was something I've thought about learning before I even got on crew but I really never thought about doing anything about it. Then after a long talk with Violette (ok I'm using two names), I got more convinced about learning Rocky and going for it, but like I said we'll see how things play out.
I'll keep the updates coming as well.