The Fantasy Project - Some more information

Apr 23, 2003 21:05

Poem of the Day

I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you
That I almost believe that the pictures are
All I can feel

No real poem today, but the first part of the song “Pictures of You”, written by Robert Smith, to celebrate to finish of the first chapter of my short (ha, ha) story with the same name.

Today’s ranting

Today I have some background information about my fantasy project.

The basic idea is the existence of a multiverse, an endless number of worlds existing beside each other. The link between all these worlds is the place the Krishaa call “Brudshin” what means something like “wood” and “origin”. The habituated parts of it are covered by some rain wood with a rich, but somewhat dangerous flora and fauna. In a very dark past, the ancients of the Krishaa have created to portals to the other worlds and the crossroads. A crossroad is a meeting place of four portals to four different worlds.

Here some details about the Krishaa:

My basic idea by their creating was to do something else as the typical from Celt myths influenced people. Their culture is mainly based on African cultures with some spicy additions by myself. Aside from this I wanted to create a culture that has other moral principals as we (and as some of the people in other worlds)

Their maximal size is 1,60 m (don’t ask me about inches?). They have a light bone structure, dark skin, green eyes (in different mixtures, but pure green is considered as the perfect beauty) and red hair (everything from purple to scarlet what seems unnatural for us). The man wear their hair to the shoulders, and they put feathers and leaves into it to make it more beautiful. The woman wear LOTS of braids.
A very coloured cloth (like a big towel) which the man knot on the shoulder and the women on the back, a loincloth, a transport belt worn on the hips (there they hang anything they want to carry with them, they also have backpacks but imagine the heat!), they normally carry little bags, knives with stone blade, the married women a little drum (like closed tambourines) and the married men a flute (ha, ha yes, the symbol is just the symbol).
They are organised in matrilineal clans. Everyone who doesn’t become Guardian, Healer, or Messenger lives in little villages, or in the centre of the tribe, which is called Briora. Every clan has a house in Briora for the children of the clan who get their formation or for the people constantly living in Briora.
The most important things set in Briora are Counsel of the Eldest, the “Library” and the schools.
The whole economy of the Krishaa is dedicated to the guarding of the crossroads. Every house on the crossroad has four villages supporting it with anything the Guardians can’t made on their own. All villages without a special crossroad support the Healer and Briora.
They have no money.
Personal development:
Every Krishaa lives with his parents until his twelfth birthday, then he is send to the house of his clan in Briora. All young Krishaa no matter what they might become have ten years of school. No one has the right to have sexual relationships with someone from outside his clan before the end of school. But inside the clan it is even appreciated, because they think that no one should be bound without knowing the basics of it.
Every Krishaa is a telepath, but not everyone has the same strength. The most gifted become guardians if they can find a partner with the same gift, if not they become healer.
The Krishaa have three levels of perception: Thinking (cognitive perception) - soul (sensual perception) - spirit (intuitive perception). The spirit is the telepathic gift, and helps to communicate thinking and soul with others.
Loved things: Dancing 8music), good food, festivals, brilliant colours and sex. Their positive aspects are intuition, sensuality, patience, and open minded at unknown and mysterious things.
Hated things: any kind of disorder, violence and rebelliousness. Their negative aspects are social pressure on outsiders, harsh punishments by failures, blind believing in the principles written in the books.
They have the taboo to shed blood (aside from medical uses) and to lie (concerns only the “savages”)
Special things:
“savages” - The Krishaa have accepted that some people are just different than the others. The “savages” do things no one else does, except real violation of rules, these things are considered as a balance to the strict harmony. It’s the only accepted form of disorder, because it is kind of tamed. But very often the “savages” remain single their whole life, because they don’t find a partner.
Religion: The Krishaa believe that only the spirit remains. They burn their deaths and keep their urns in the clan houses.

Puh! And this were only the basics! I fear there are some logical flaws I still have to polish.

That’s for today.

writings, spirits

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