Update on Snowball

Oct 07, 2014 19:22

I got the call from the vet, and the radiologist confirmed that it's cancer.  :(

Probably doesn't matter, anyhow, since Snowball won't touch food or water.  He has no interest at all, even lunchmeat ham, one of his favorite treats.  I'm going to try to entice him some more tonight, but I fear he's probably decided that his time has come.  I had a good cry this afternoon, after the reality hit me.

For now, as long as he's not in obvious pain, and responds positively to being petted and loved, I'm going to let nature run its course.  If he's going to quietly pass on in the night, I'd honestly rather have it that way.  But if it's clear that he's going to linger and be in prolonged misery, I'll probably have to make the decision to put him down.  It's not something I want to have to do, but I won't let my kitty suffer needlessly.

I actually was feeling pretty bad today too that I didn't think I had any pictures of either of my cats.  Fortunately, thanks to LJ, I had an old post with nice pictures of both of my cats.  I'm SO glad now that I have those pictures, because THAT is how I want to remember my kitties.  Young, and healthy, and frisky.  I'm not going to take a picture of Snowball now.  I only want good memories.

So, for now I'm going to take things a day at a time.

cat, pets, life

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