If I've been quiet lately, it's because I've had so many things to take care of the last few months; and not just work related. I've just been too tired or burned out from things by the end of the day to post much. It's a bit frustrating as well that I haven't found time to practice drawing as much as I'd like either. My apologies if I haven't been very responsive lately. It's been hectic.
On the other hand, I'm getting stuff done that needs to be done. I didn't make it to
tenax's going away party in Socorro on Saturday due to other commitments. I'm kind of bummed about that, but yesterday afternoon and today I managed to get the topsoil mixed in and raked in my planter box, and the drip system plumbing is all in place today. I'll finally have plants in my back yard this year! I'm hoping to grow tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and jalapeños, so I can make garden fresh salsa.
I also finally got out to the range to break in the M15A4 I've had in my gun safe since November, 2006. I ran into feeding issues last week, but after a little work with the dremel tool and a good cleaning/oiling, I'm able to go through 25 rounds reliably without jamming. Technically, I should be able to do 30 rounds, but I've heard the M16 type rifle can be temperamental with those last couple rounds, so it's more reliable to put no more than 28 in a mag. Anyhow, it's a fun shooter, and I'm probably going to try to get out to the range more. I can also now buy a new gun if I want. I kind of have a policy of "no new guns until I've broken in the previous one". At some point I'll have to get off my lazy ass and go through the process of getting my NM CCW.
Boating season is also upon us, and I will be heading down to the lake next weekend or maybe the weekend afterwards to slay the 5 pound black widows that have invariably set up housekeeping on my pontoon boat. Time to clean it up and get it ready for the water. I may just bring the jet skis down and just toss a couple bug bombs on the boat to make sure I don't have any unwanted "passengers". I actually found a large dock spider crushed under my ass last year. I looked at it very carefully to make sure there was no fiddle on that fucker, too. Fortunately it didn't bite me anyhow, but I was a bit concerned. Once I get things ship shape, I want to go boating regularly this summer. If any of my NM friends or those passing through would like to get out on the lake, drop me a line.
On a different note, I'm finally getting a fursuit. It's a Marylen, and should be done by the end of the month. (Reminds self.. I need to call them to get an update.) No, it's not custom, or anything, but for my first one I don't really want to spend an enormous sum of money on it until I get the hang of things. I'm totally looking forward to RMFC and AC. I might actually FedEx the fursuit and my clothes to AC, since I really don't want to deal with the airline luggage apes. That and the airlines are wanting to charge $$$++ for "extra luggage". It may actually be cheaper to just ground ship everything to the hotel; and I can then ride the bus to the hotel, saving $60 in ground transportation costs on top.