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Oct 12, 2006 23:39

Title: Five Times Sirius Almost Got He And James Expelled
Author: decor_noctis
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: It's all in my head.

for fizzyblogic

1. April 23rd, 1974. Putting another pupil at risk and handling illegal faunae.
Sirius will still argue this was James’ idea really, to which James will reply that if Sirius hadn’t mentioned the illegal dragon’s eggs that were currently sitting in Grimmauld Place around Easter, he’d never have thought to replace Peter’s chocolate eggs with them, so it was Sirius’ fault (Ha!). They’d been let off with a week’s detention because Peter had insisted that honestly, it was just a joke, they didn’t mean any harm, he thought it was funny, really funny and that apart from the singed eyebrows and the odd puncture wound he was fine. Really.

2. April 1st, 1975. Breaching Castle security and disrupting school activity.
James had managed to work out how the passwords for the common rooms were set and after being praised by Sirius for his genius and generally fawned over all night, they set out under the Invisibility Cloak before sunrise and changed all the passwords, locking everyone but the Gryffindors in. This, James said when they were scrubbing toilets a week later, was the fatal flaw in their plan and it was, of course, Sirius’ fault for not pointing out that if Gryffindor could get out, the finger would automatically be pointed at them.

3. October 31st, 1975. Encouraging younger students to flaunt school rules and endangering said students in the process.
Sirius took the blame for this one more readily than usual. He had taken a prank that would’ve lost them a few points and earned them a few lines at worst one step too far. But those first years only had themselves to blame for being so gullible as to swallow James’ spiel about the Halloween feast being in the Forbidden Forest. They were asking for it really. And if Sirius had been able to, he would’ve gladly explained that the first years were in no real danger because what they’d taken for a werewolf was nothing more than a harmless black dog. James found the whole fiasco far too amusing to be mad and later said so through mouthfuls of laughter and lips and skin and Sirius.

4. January 10th, 1976. Causing mass hysteria and trauma to fellow pupils and conspiring to make illegal concoctions.
Although it was James’ trunk the boggart had conveniently decided to hole up in, it was Sirius’ idea to take advantage of its presence. Really though, anyone in third year and above should’ve known that it wasn’t really a zombie, a clown, a banshee, a vampire that was blocking the corridor that led to the Potions stock cupboard. Once several reports of various creatures from Hammer Horror films roaming the dungeons reached McGonagall’s ears she worked out the truth of the matter fairly quickly and made her way to the corridor in question. With a quick ‘Riddikulus!’ she got rid of the pest just in time to see a dishevelled looking Black and Potter emerge from the stock cupboard. James couldn’t help but wonder if she’d’ve gone through with expulsion had she known what they were really doing in there.

5. June 12th, 1976. Publicly humiliating and violating a fellow pupil.
Well, really Snivelly had been asking for it showing James up in front of Evans like that. Sirius officially accepted the blame for this incident, saying how James wouldn’t have started anything if he hadn’t kept complaining that he was bored. He didn’t want James getting worked up again after that afternoon and if James was going to be expelled you could be damn sure that Sirius was going with him. Besides, the thanks he got for it later more than compensated for the two weeks of detention and loss of fifty housepoints.

rating: pg-13, pairing: james/sirius, fandom: harry potter

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