Apr 08, 2008 20:25
me and sam just walked down to cook and johnson and waited for a bus that didn't come. and then it was too late for me to go to the folk dance so we walked home.
the sun was dark golden and piercing through the air: over the ocean; into the harbor; through the city, ducking between tall buildings; and finding us walking slowly through the drizzling rain, creating a perfect, round arc of rainbow above us. i taught sam how to say "arcoidis" (i don't know how to spell it) - "rainbow" in spanish.
we talked about how he doesn't want to be in victoria any longer. that he wants to go home and start his life, his summer life. but i have no where to go. we talked about the possibilities. and my heart hurt because i don't want to lose him, and now i'm going to lose him sooner than i thought. and now greg brown is singing "driftless" to be and i may cry.
we figured it out, though. we know our plans for the next month, now.
walking up johnson on the way back, i looped my arm through his, feeling the smoothness of his worn leather jacket on my hand and told him he's the only person i feel comfortable being pathetic around.
it's going to hurt, but it's going to be ok.
tentative plans:
apr 8-12: n/s victoria
apr 12-16: n chehalis/seattle, s vancouver
apr 16-23: n victoria, s vancouver
apr 21-24: n/s victoria
apr 25-28: n/s vancouver
apr/may 29-6: n/s traveling to cali and back
may 7: n chehalis, s vancouver
and then our other lives begin
what dawn has said about moving made me realize that moving can be emotional and tough even if you're leaving for somewhere better. it's not always about where from and to, as much as it is just about the fact that you're going. moving. again. changing.
it's tough just 'cause.