Title: Deadpan Humor
Fandom: Fake News (RPF)
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Summary: Some bizarro universe where Brian is the host of TDS, Rachel is his senior correspondent/break out star about to get her own show, Bill O'Reilly is a comedian with a conservative character, Keith is a comedian with a liberal character, and Jon and Stephen are real news pundits ala normal!Rachel and normal!Keith respectively.
Word Count: 280
Disclaimer: All copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. This work is not created for profit and constitutes fair use. References to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
A/N: Originally written for a
fakenews_fanfic Open Thread.
"I was thinking," said Bill as he perused his menu, "that our characters should start a feud."
Keith nodded, waving as Stephen and Jon headed to the table. "That could be fun, except I think it'd be kind of passive aggressive on his part. He doesn't like to admit that not everyone can get along."
"Boys," said Stephen, giving them looks. "I thought we promised no shop-talk at the table."
"When did we promise that?" Jon wondered. "It doesn't sound like us."
"...okay, maybe I just made that up," Stephen admitted, and Jon snorted.
"We're missing two. Where is our esteemed host of The Daily Show and his faithful correspondent?"
"Don't think I didn't hear the innuendo there, Mr. Stewart," said Brian from behind him, and Jon jumped. Rachel giggled as she and Brian sat down.
"Fuck, man, warn a dude before you sneak up on him like that."
"Wouldn't that defeat the point of sneaking up on someone, though?" asked Rachel.
"And hey, you three! Why didn't you warn me?" Jon demanded.
"Where would the fun be in that?" Keith wondered.
Jon rolled his eyes. "Sure, take his side. I see how it is."
"It's the title they respect, Jon, not the man," Brian replied. "Would you like to take over? I'll bequeath my throne to you."
Jon snorted. "Dude, I couldn't do your job. I laugh at my own jokes enough as it is."
"Giggle," supplied Stephen. "You giggle at your jokes. Don't try to call it something it's not."
"It's a very manly giggle," protested Jon. "A guffaw, if you will."
Bill stopped Keith from replying to that. "Just let him believe it. It's easier that way."