Fake News (FPF) | Five Ways Jon... | PG-13 | Brian/"Stephen"

Jul 29, 2009 19:53

Title: Five Ways Jon Might’ve Found Out About Brian and Stephen
Fandom: Fake News (FPF)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Brian/“Stephen”; Tracey/Jon
Warning: Brief description of kinky sex; mild bondage.
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin: five ways Jon might have found out about Brian and Stephen’s relationship.
Word Count: 1,105
Disclaimer: All copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. This work is not created for profit and constitutes fair use. References to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
A/N: This is another one of those “the title popped into my head and demanded fic to follow” instances. Thanks for the beta, Abigail.

1. Brian asked him if he’d mind.

“I think I’m going to ask Stephen out,” he said, and Jon looked up. “Is that okay with you?”

“Stephen? Stephen who?” he asked, bewildered.

“Stephen Hawking, of course,” Brian said, giving him an amused look. “Your friend, Stephen. Why else would I ask you if you cared?”

“Oh, huh,” Jon said. “Stephen, really?”

“Yeah. Do you have a problem with it?” he asked. “I know you’re close. I’m not sure-”

“No, it’s nothing like that. We’re just friends.” He paused. “But you know Stephen’s so deep in the closet that Anderson Cooper hasn’t seen him in a while, right?”

Brian smirked. “I have methods of persuasion.”

“Yeah,” Jon said, amused. “I really don’t doubt that. Just...he can be difficult, you know? Can you handle that?”

“I know,” Brian assured him. “I promise my intentions are noble, Mr. Stewart. May I have permission to take him to the prom?”

Jon smiled. “Have him home by eleven.”

2. Stephen told him. In explicit detail.

Jon nodded, considered it for a moment, then shrugged. “Congratulations,” he said at last.

Stephen seemed put-out by this reaction. “That’s it? You’re not surprised? Shocked? Outraged? Appalled?”

“Not really,” said Jon. “Brian’s a good guy. He’ll be good for you.”

“But we’re both men!” exclaimed Stephen. “Doesn’t it disgust you, the idea of him bending me over my desk and taking me like he owns me? The image of him tying me down and making me beg? The thought of him pinning me roughly up against the wall, his strength keeping me in place, his imposing, muscled, masculine body pressed right up against mine?”

Stephen seemed a little out of breath by the end of that, Jon noted. “None of that bothers me in the least,” he said.

“You’re sure?” Stephen tried.

Jon gave him an amused look. “I’m sure, Stephen.”

“Fine,” he huffed, sending him a glare and muttering the word “liberals” underneath his breath. “Let’s eat lunch.”

3. He walked in on them.

“Stephen, I wanted-” he started, stopping abruptly at the sight before him. Brian was sitting on Stephen’s couch and Stephen was straddling him, shirt undone and hands tied behind his back by his tie.

Stephen yelped in terror, flailing as best he could with his hands behind his back, but Brian’s hands went up to his shoulders, steadying him. “Calm down, Stephen,” he said softly, but firmly, and Jon raised an eyebrow when Stephen actually listened. He helped him off his lap and onto the couch, and then Stephen turned to Jon.

“Don’t you knock?” he snapped, as Brian started buttoning up his shirt.

“Stephen,” Brian admonished.

“He should knock!”

“Do you knock before going into his office?”

“No,” Stephen admitted, albeit sullenly. “Sorry, Jon,” he muttered.

Jon, who had heard Stephen apologize all of twice in their entire friendship, almost fell over in shock. He quickly recovered. “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t know-well, now I understand why you’ve been so mellow lately,” he said, and Brian smirked. “I’ll talk to you later.”

He left, making a mental note to never enter Stephen’s office without knocking ever again.

4. The tabloids ran with it.

“News and Punditry-A Match Made In Heaven?” Jon read, walking into Stephen’s office early Monday morning. “The picture of the two of you kissing is, well-it’s really bad quality, but then, it’s a tabloid. Still obvious who you are, though.” There was no response, so Jon looked up.

Stephen was not sitting at his desk. For a moment, he thought he wasn’t in the office at all, until Jon heard a hiccup coming from underneath his desk.

“Stephen?” he called, walking over to see a very-rumpled, unhappy-looking Stephen curled up into a ball. There were four tabloids spread out around him, all displaying the same thing: him and Brian. “Stephen, what’s wrong?”

“This!” he exclaimed, hiccupping again. “This is what’s wrong! How can I show my face in public again, now that it’s out?”

“Stephen, this isn’t the end of the world. The Nation will understand.” Not least because Jon had seen some of those fansites. They’d been waiting for this day for a while now. “Your show will go on. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

“You don’t know that!” he exclaimed. “What if...we were keeping it a secret...what if now that it’s public, he doesn’t...”

“You think Brian’s going to dump you because of this?” Jon asked. “Come on, Stephen, that’s ridiculous.”

Just then, Stephen’s phone rang. It was sitting on top of his desk, so Jon answered it. “Hey. It’s Jon.” He mouthed ‘It’s Brian’ at Stephen, who shrunk in on himself a bit. “Yeah, he’s seen them. He’s worried that-yep, exactly. Here, I’ll give him the phone.” Jon handed the phone to Stephen, who took it reluctantly.

“Yes?” Stephen nodded, listening, and slowly he started to smile again. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Tonight. I won’t. Bye!” He crawled out from underneath his desk, setting the phone on his chair, and stood, rubbing at his eyes.

“Good news?” Jon asked, smiling.

“Yeah,” Stephen said, looking almost bashful. “He’s taking me out to dinner tonight. Somewhere very public.”

Jon grinned. “Good.”

5. He set them up.

Jon heard from Stephen the next morning that the date had gone well, and got confirmation of the same from Brian that afternoon, which pleased him. He hadn’t allowed himself to celebrate until he got that confirmation, knowing that Stephen had a tendency to...misinterpret things.

So he was in a good mood when he got home that evening, so much so that Tracey commented on it, giving him an amused look. “Were you just humming?”

“Maybe,” he said, grinning, and she looked at him expectantly, clearly waiting for some insight into his cheery mood. “I set Brian and Stephen up on a date last night. It went well, and I’m happy for them.”

“I thought you were always against playing matchmaker?” she teased.

“Usually,” he admitted. “But this was different. Stephen’s been divorced for a year. It was time he got back into the swing of things, and Brian would be good for him. He can deal with Stephen’s…” he trailed off, unsure how to describe it.

“Stephen-ness,” she finished for him, nodding.

“Exactly. And he’ll take good care of him. Stephen needs that.”

“Then it sounds like you did a good thing,” she said, kissing him. “Come on, Cupid. It’s time to put the kids to bed.”

Jon smiled and followed her, absently hoping that Stephen and Brian would eventually be as happy as the two of them.

rating: pg-13, pairing: brian williams/"stephen", fandom: fake news (fpf), kink: bdsm

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