Title: Countdown
Fandom: CSI
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None.
Summary: Nick’s burial incident, through the eyes of the lab technicians.
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: All copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. This work is not created for profit and constitutes fair use.
A/N: Originally written for
philosophy_20, prompt: 14. parallel. (Yes, I have finally broken down and decided to repost my CSI challenge fics. Don't worry, I won't flood your flist; I'll hit the backdate button for all but my most favorites.)
Jacqui had just processed her fifth fingerprint when Greg came in and told her that Nick had been kidnapped.
He was at a scene, Greg had said, his eyes cast downward. The cop with him lost his lunch and looked away. There was anger there, Jacqui saw. It was an anger that Greg was too charitable to let out, but too inexperienced to keep entirely to himself.
He’d looked so sad, so hollow, so not-Greg, it was unsettling. Where was his bright-as-light energy, his never-ending hope? Seeing Greg like that cast a darkly foreboding mood over the room.
Jacqui shivered.
Archie had just started chewing his fourth piece of gum when Grissom came in with the feed.
Little known fact: when Archie got nervous, he’d chew gum. And with Grissom looking at him like he had been, so seriously, so solemnly-almost dejectedly-he was more than nervous. Find out what this is, he’d said, his stoic mask completely in place. Archie knew Grissom would try to hide his feelings even though they were apparent.
He’d looked at the small device, wondering how it was possible for such a small thing to be so incredibly important.
Archie shook his head.
Bobby had just finished his third cup of coffee when Sara mentioned to him that Nick’s parents had arrived.
Grissom and Cath are talking to them, she’d said, shaking her head. I can’t imagine what they’re going through. Bobby couldn’t either. To have your child kidnapped and buried alive-your child who’d already been so through much-must be excruciatingly painful.
He watched Sara leave the lab and stop in the hallway to talk to an older couple Bobby assumed to be Nick’s parents. He hated that the anguish that was etched on their faces made that obvious.
Bobby sighed.
Ronnie had just caught his second hour of sleep when Jacqui called him in mild hysterics, telling him that Walter Gordon had blown himself up.
Right in front of Grissom! she exclaimed. The bastard was screwing with us. He didn’t want the stupid ransom. Ronnie, how are we going to find Nick? Her voice had been shrill and so utterly desolate. Coming from Jacqui, Ronnie didn’t know what to say.
He tried to soothe her with empty platitudes because that was all he could do. His wife stirred next to him and asked what was wrong.
Ronnie pulled her closer.
David had sent up his first and only prayer-of thanks-when Archie brought him the news that Nick had been rescued safely.
They got him, he’d said breathlessly. He’s being taken to the hospital now. The guy’s in bad shape, but alive. David had been silently grateful that Nick Stokes had once again beaten impossible odds. It was like a weight had been lifted, or a light turned on.
He realized it was because Nick had affected so many people without even trying. He was admired and adored. And now he was safe.
David allowed himself a small smile.