Don't Even Make It Past the Gate

Oct 06, 2008 17:13

"May the Devil pass you over."

Many people, when hearing it, assume it is a blessing, nod their thanks, and move along.

"May the Devil pass you over."

It isn't. It's a curse. It is not a wish that you slip by the Devil, escaping his malign intents, but rather a desire that Satan, he who covets the souls of all men, who seeks out murderers, rapists, blasphemers, usurers, witches and warlocks and gathers them unto him, the source of all evil in the world, the very Devil himself WILL find you, and judge you, and then NOT take you.

"May the Devil pass you over."

And it isn't that the Devil won't take you because you are too filled with goodness, or even that you have done such terrible things that even he is appalled. It is that the scourge of man will find you of such little worth that he can't be bothered to take you.

"May the Devil pass you over."
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