More bookkeeping.
From Daniel MacIvor's blog.
Took some real down time this week. That’s not easy for me. It makes me antsy - but it was necessary. Next week I gear up to go back into rehearsal for “This Is What Happens Next” in Montreal. We do a week in Toronto then a tech and four performances in Montreal. The key still evades me. It will take me getting back up on my feet with it again. And I’ve been poking around at a re-write for “Communion” - it will be produced in Toronto next season but the details are still under wraps until the “i”s are dotted and the “t”s are crossed. Had a great meeting with Bruce McD tonight about our project together. Lots of changes but all for the best. After the meeting we ate good soup and marveled at the skill of a 5 and 3/4 year old at getting “just one present” to open early.
Saturday, January 17 Crazy show last night. An audience member jumped on stage in the first ten minutes as I was doing my ramble about what just happened to me before I entered the theatre. He sat on the floor near me and looked up at me and said “What happens next?”. I handled it by using him and his action as an example of why I had said I wasn’t going to do this performance thing anymore. Much of the audience thought it was part of the show. Tonight a full house and good friends in the audience. My agent Thomas and his wife Martha flew up from New York to see the show. We all went to dinner at The Continental on St Denis after. Brooks was positively giddy. And that was the week that was. Lots of discovery about the show and now it goes to bed for awhile. On Monday I officially begin my residency at University of Guelph and on Tuesday I begin rewrites for Bruce McD’s movie. And tonight I sleep.