Drive-by post with picspam

Jul 25, 2008 20:17

I didn't get to XF2 today because my father has been having gastro-intestinal issues, namely extreme constipation. His doctor referred him to a gastroenterologist who he saw on Wednesday. The GE felt that his issues were complications arising from his celiac and from the hypothyroidism he was diagnosed with this spring but recommended a colonoscopy and endoscopy. When my father called for the appointment, they told him the GE was going on vacation for two weeks so the appointment would be in mid-August. Since Dad didn't want to wait he pressed for an earlier appointment. Thay said "Can you come in this Friday?" He said "Yes." So there went my Friday off. Anyway, everything is fine (no blockage, no polyps) and the doctor told him to eat more fiber.

Onward to something Callum-related. Yes, more pics. I'm losing track of what pics I've seen/posted but there are a few more.

Finally, no watermark covering his face.

These last two are huge hi-res pics so click twice for full size.

I owe replies to lots of people who commented on the previous picspams but spending about three hours in the hospital waiting room this afternoon has drained me. I hate hospital waiting rooms. I'm going to sack out on the couch and read some porn.

x-files2, ckr.picspam, ckr

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