Last night was such a joy.
kracken and
vilalmighty and
visnuexe were all there (and each looked absolutely lovely, and it was wonderful seeing them all), and so were many other wonderful and beautiful people. The party was like a kind of sea of beauty, despite a few incidents later in the night brought on by some people's inability to handle their liquor. (What's a party without one or two dumbfucks?) Overall, I can honestly say it was one of the most joyous parties in the Toastyfried Lexicon o' Partydom.
ghormenghast made a virtual visit, and reminded of snow fleas and fuzzy tongues, a bittersweet memory, since D.D. was unable to come. D.D. said her kids were disappointed that they were unable to go to the cool Toasty party instead of being forced to attend their father's business dinner affair. Unfortunately, D.D. married an inhuman beast who brings misery to everything he can. D.D. said she may make it up to them by bringing then over here some day to spend the day with she and I and Invader Zim all day. That would be so cool.
Anyhow, best wishes to all of you for a great 2007. Let's all hope it is better than last year.
FCGST (sensory mode forward)