i need sunshine

Oct 04, 2012 21:27

Every time I try to keep this up, i manage to make excuses not to. Its ridiculous and Im too damn lazy and horrible at correspondence and phone calls and being a friend and UGH

My landlord is holding an auction for the property next Thursday. I may or may not have a place to live in a week. Which is... less than awesome and the cause of much emotional instability.  I almost broke down at work on Tuesday when I realized how close the auction was and had to call my mom, crying in the Inventory Room, pretending to count drugs.

Work is.... work. We lost Krista to mom-hood and Rochester a couple months ago and I then spent what felt like (and still does) every waking moment at work. Ive become the person working every damn saturday to the point that I can no longer figure out what day it is anymore. And im constantly exhausted. always. I have to fight falling asleep at 7 on the couch after stuffing anything remotely edible in my mouth for dinner. We just got a new girl though and she fits in remarkably well with our ridiculous personalities, which is nice. Other than that, I feel like this profession has turned me jaded and disillusioned with humanity and I just cant stand it sometimes. I shouldnt feel the urge to hole myself away in stacks of books and work in a very quiet library where no one will bother me ever and all i'll need to do is acquire more cats and wear patterned sweaters and yell at kids to get off my lawn. I'm just so tired of it all.

I found out ive been able to have 2wks vacation for like, the past 3 years, so Im taking a few of my remaining paid days off this year (use them or loose them by the end of December) to run away to Buffalo for a couple of days the weekend of the 13th and just.... i dont even know. Moms having shit go down with work... the building theyre in sold and now they have to move the business.... at some point in the Very Near Future that they dont know yet.... so maybe we'll just commiserate and ill help move things and we'll eat too much junk food.

In other ridiculous news: Nathan turns 16 in about 2 months.
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