Apr 06, 2012 17:44
My puppy (Feyd) broke his leg on Wednesday and now he's sitting on my couch with me with his leg in a very pink cast. Our kitten (ok she's a year and a bit but she's small and looks like a kitten) is on heat and probably so greatful that this time she isn't having her belly forcibly lifted off the ground by the puppy sticking his head underneath it. He has no comprehension why his best friend doesn't want to run around playing chasing games and is instead squealing and displaying her arse at him. And me, and my SO, and anyone who walks in the house. So I've been watching Jericho and letting the puppy sleep on me and I've just finished the first season.
We got bored the first time round. This time, actually watching it and getting through the exciting second half of the season, I'm a bit more intrigued. I have things that I absolutely hate about the show. I hate the judgy mother of the hero, like a lot. I hate the really forced love triangle with the hero and the two teacher girls. The only redeeming thing about it is that for half the season one of them disappears meaning you only have to put up with one chick who's only purpose seems to be to hold men together and to be a pathway between them. Honestly, I think it would be so much hotter if Jake and Jonah (the blond-highschool-sweetheart-i-have-no-purpose-in-this-show's dad) got it on. James Remar and Skeet Ulrich have awesome chemistry. There are glances, and history, and it's hot. Jake and Robert Hawkins is also pretty awesome but I really like the way that Robert is sweet on his wife (who is yet another pointless character who is only there to fill a placemarker for the man in her life). Yeah, there's something about the women in this show. I love Mimi, I love Bonnie, I love Skylar, I love Mary, I love April but the rest of them seem to do nothing. Like they can write these great women who are learning to adjust to the apocalypse world and then they have women who are vacuous and throw tantrums. Also I like a lot of the politics going on in the background. The alliances, the decisions about the kind of people and town they are going to be. I like a bunch of the actors (and there are so many people who are working in Justified at the moment although I can't see a easy connection.)
On the other hand I've also watched Jeremiah recently and it is OMG yummy. JMS of Babylon 5 with a story about 15 years after the apocalypse where everyone over 15 dies. Luke Perry and Malcolm Jamal Warner are really awesome and their journey through the two seasons is great. There's a little bit of magic or myth, lots of Canadian actors (including all my favourites: Ryan Robbins, Ben Cotton, Jonathan Young, Gaeta), and female characters who have purpose and real responses and power. I love Marcus (and I admit, I slash the two white boys: Jeremiah and Marcus but more because of the way the story goes.) And I really dig the plot of this. It feels like they're building something.
I could probably write a paper on the parallels between the two and what they say about America. Both (post)apocalyptic, both have civil war plotlines and a bunch of other spoilery things. I love Jeremiah, but Jericho isn't too bad.
tv or not tv,