Sunday Round Up

Aug 26, 2012 22:58

What's happening in my corner this week:

projectpara - is taking a break for a couple of weeks, which means everyone has chance to catch up before we start on the fourth and final season. Are we nearly there already?
writers_toybox - has had a new prompt added. Our annual fiction challenge is for The Games this year. You have until Friday to get your entries in.
ba_unchained has a new discussion running. Please note this site is Members only.
iwry-marathon - Sign-ups are now taking place for the IWRY Marathon 2012 and we have a few places left. Plus, new this year, we have our own Twitter account for your amusement.

I forgot to mention that the Blood Roses Forum has recently celebrated its 9th birthday. So if you want a friendly place to go and talk about B/A, you know where to go!

And if you want other places to go, Dark Star’s Portal could be your answer.

round up

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