I've been loaned a book called "Bawdy British Folk Songs".
Alarmingly, I already know half of them.
In kind with the rest of LJ, I too have been putting up my decorations. No middle class yuppie or colour-coordinated schemes for me - oh no! :-P Although I DID invest in some fairy lights.
But no, my budget this year stretches to some paper chains which keep falling down and I've got my scissors out and made loads of paper snowflakes. I started to make a cardboard angel but realised that it would be a bit too religious for my tastes, so I gave it a headband of stars and a girdle of "lapis lazuli" (blue beads) and presently I shall manufacture a measuring rod and rope (and a head, since all she has at the moment is her divine symbol sellotaped to her neck) and it shall be Holy Inana, one of my favourite goddesses.
(Photos if you want them) Ooh, I could perform the mis pî ritual on it and have my own mini-Inana...or maybe not. She's rather touchy, after all.
Oh, there goes another paper chain...