Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 22, 2010 10:03

Thank you so much for writing for me! I'm really excited about Yuletide this year, and I appreciate your making a story for me. I love each fandom I requested and go around thinking: I hope I get this! No, wait, I hope I get that! Or that! Or the other thing! So whatever we were matched on, I will be thrilled.

I went into specific details about each fandom in my request, so let me just say generally that any suggestions I made were only to offer some food for thought. In the past, sometimes I've had a specific story I really wanted to be told, but that's not the case this year. So let your imagination go wild.

The reason I selected the fandoms I did is because I'm so intrigued by the characters. I'd love a story that gives me more insight into them, whether it's a relationship piece or a mood piece or something with plot. I love me some slash, so go there if the inspiration takes you. If we were matched on the book I requested, I would equally love femslash or het. Or if you'd rather focus on a single character, that's wonderful, too.

Can't wait to see what you come up with. And thank you again!


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