Heroes FIC: Relics of Childhood

Apr 08, 2007 16:49

Title: Relics of Childhood
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Nathan/Peter
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Through episodes aired so far.
Disclaimer: Not mine, although...the naked part was my idea. *g*

Note: Written for the Nathan/Peter ficathon being hosted over at flyingpetrellis. Thanks to linaerys for organizing the ficathon and much love to barely_bean for beta reading. This was written for trollopfop, from a prompt she supplied, which you'll find at the end of the story.

(Peter's very first memory is of his brother, or perhaps it isn't really a memory at all, just an image he's created, having heard the story so many times...)

heroes_fic, heroes, fic

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