Communal Story Experiment: The result!

Oct 07, 2005 11:02

At last, the communal story experiment or blind round robin or Clexy mad libs, whatever you want to call it is complete. Or, I should say, as complete as I could get it. There are one or two people who signed up to contribute that I was just never able to get in touch with. Sorry! Hopefully, it will work out next time.

Here is the list of participants in order of contributing to the story:


If I missed anyone on the list, please let me know!

And now without further ado, here is the story:

They had been in this crazy woman's basement, which smelled of turpentine and unlaundered socks, for a good six hours at least, tied together, back to back, and Lex's less than legendary patience was completely shot through.

"I will give you ten million dollars if you just stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about and use your strength to get us out of here already," he snapped rather loudly at Clark.

There were long seconds of silence and then a quiet answer, "I can't. Something happened to my powers."

Lex closed his eyes, took a long, deep breath, and counted to ten. Surely, whatever he had done in his life hadn't been that bad to attribute to this.

"What do you mean you've lost your powers?" Lex asked, trying to make sure his voice sounded calm and clear and didn't put across any 'Oh my god, stop lying to me, Clark,' vibes.

The moments ticked by - literally, as the clock behind him was loud and echoed in his destroyed office - and for a moment, Lex feared maybe he hadn't spoken out loud at all. But a quick examination of Clark's face, which was marred by obvious discomfort and what appeared to be sweat, led him to believe it hadn't been all in his head. Clark was struggling with something, and while Lex hoped it was the truth after all this time, he was pretty sure he'd never be able to tell the difference.

"No, of course it's not another research paper," Clark scoffed. His brow furrowed. "I don't suppose you'd buy that it was the Tasmanian Devil?"

Lex met Clark's eyes, with smirk firmly in place, "I wouldn't even attempt humor at this point, Clark. Besides, you used that excuse last month when you destroyed the pool table."

Clark flashed his most blinding smile and winked at Lex. "Hey...I have some really good memories of that table." Edging just a bit closer, Clark let his shoulder rub against Lex. "Do I need to remind you?"

Lex looked at Clark skeptically. "The time my father leaned over after dessert and asked you, 'Exactly how long have you been fucking my son, Clark? And are you doing it just for the money, or are you actually a queer?' is a 'really good' memory?"

"I'd kinda managed to block that part out, thanks," Clark said, sounding half-choked, "but no, I was thinking more about what happened after your father left."

He smiled then, and it was the slow, dirty smile that had brought Lex to his knees, literally, and on more than one occasion: "That was the first time I'd ever fucked anybody, Lex -- it was the first time I ever tasted your mouth."

Lex felt his heart throb painfully, once, before it settled back into the calm rhythm he'd need to get through this. He turned his back on the smiling, looming Clark, and paced away, hands in pockets and lump in throat.

"My father can't be blocked out, Clark. Believe me. He's never letting go of me. And now, for some reason, you're on his radar, too."

Clark's face fell as he desperately tried to find a solution to their problems before Lex walked out of his life, but he found that even he couldn't in such a short time.

"Wait, what do you mean? Why would Lionel Luthor be interested in a nobody like me?"

Incredulously, Lex turned around to face Clark once again. "Why would Lionel Luthor be interested in Clark Kent? I'm not sure, you'll have to give me a moment. Oh, wait, hold on, I've got it; do you think it could be because you're not human?"

Clark looked off into the distance. Not human, he thought. What does that really mean, after all?

"Why he's interested may not matter. The question we have to ask ourselves is, should I go talk to him?"

Lex thought a moment. "Should you answer the summons? What are the chances of it turning out well? For either of us."

Clark sighed and slid both hands into his pockets. "Historically"--he knew how Lex felt about history and stuff--"Historically, not very good. So, should I?"

Lex's mouth turned up slightly at the corners. "I can't answer that Clark. You need to figure out how much you are willing to reveal. There's always a price."

He gnawed the inside of his cheek as he mulled it over. His eyes remained distant. "Lex, I won't let anything happen to us."

It was time to let him go. Time to move on. Time to be left behind...again. He squeezed Clark's hand, reluctant to release it. "Go. I need to get back and make some arrangements."

Cark stood facing Lex, locking eyes with him, and holding his ground. "Go," Clark asked, "have I been dismissed like one of your servants? Is this what is convenient for you Lex? Why are you always expecting me to bolt, and god damn it, why are you always pushing me away?

"Why? Years of experience of the Clark Kent M.O." Lex replied icily, gesturing at the door, "Go on."

"So you're just walking away from...this?" Clark asked.

"This? What are you, twelve? And you're proving my point nicely. Too scared to even say it and you wonder why I got tired of waiting--" but Lex wasn't able to finish his sentence, because suddenly Clark was kissing him clumsily, urgently.

"Easy, easy." Lex whispered.

Clark took that to mean that he was hurting Lex and released Lex rather suddenly.

"Uh." There was some part of Clark that couldn't believe that having gotten the courage to make a move on Lex it didn't end in the best sex in the history of sex.

But now Lex's phone was ringing and the possibility of sex looked even more remote. Lex answered the phone and grabbed Clark's arm to prevent him from leaving.

Lex listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone, but his eyes never left Clark's. "I'm going to have to get back to you on that," Lex said into the phone. "I'm rather busy at the moment. Yes, thank you," he said and disconnected.

"I didn't mean for you to stop, Clark. I only wanted you to slow down."

"Is that the only thing you wanted?" Clark asks, tentative yet trusting.

Lex remembers that voice, remembers that kid.

It's like Clark's fifteen again and he's twenty-one, and the only thing standing between them is a new beginning.

Clark has taken an enormous risk, daring to finally trust Lex with his secret. And Lex won't betray that trust, but-

He sways in place, struggling to show the feelings that he has buried beneath years of regret and anger.

He can see it register on Clark's face; the tiredness, the old fear. He wonders if it'll ever really go away but-

Now there's desire, hope, too. Lex has never been able to deny Clark anything he really wants, not really. He walks up to him slowly, brings his hands to Clark's face and holds them there, staring. Clark closes his eyes lightly and presses his forehead down
to Lex's.

I trust you, that's what this means.

And that's all that Lex has ever really wanted.

Clark slides Lex's hands to his mouth, and kisses his palms softly. Lex stands motionless--overwhelmed by the feeling this simple gesture engenders. Clark whispers into his cupped hands, "I'm sorry it took me so long to see it."

Lex doesn't move. He never thought there was anything in the world that could unnerve him, but the simple, wanting looking in Clark's eyes about does him in. Lex tells himself that this is Clark, the kid he's known forever, and that this is what he wants.

He keeps repeating those words to himself, like a mantra, but even as he begins to move toward Clark his misgivings start to intrude. Can he trust Clark? Even better, should he trust Clark? He hesitates, and sees the expression in Clark's eyes shift.

His expression shifts, and the window of opportunity's gone. It's only now, now that it's too late, that Lex realizes he would have chosen differently. Even with all the history between them, all the water under that bridge that started it all, he would rather have Clark around than not. Except, it's too late.

He could feel his heart aching in his chest. There had to be some way to fix this... he was a Luthor, and when he wanted something, he got it. And what he wanted right now was to get Clark back.

Lex didn't care what it took. How much it cost him. Clark was the only person Lex had ever met who had wanted to get to know him as a person, not as a millionaire or a Luthor. Clark had never wanted Lex's money - which was why Lex would give it all up to have his best friend standing before him, safe and well.

Clark looked around confused with no clear landmark to let him know exactly where he had… landed? The last thing he remembered was arguing with Lex about… what? Oh, right. He was holding a long cool crystal object in his hand waving it at Lex. He was angry because once again it seemed Lex only wanted to know his secrets and that hurt. But hey, that object felt really good especially when he rubbed his thumb slowly across it.

And here's how I thought it could swing back to the beginning:

"Clark!" Lex demanded. "Are you even listening to me?"

Clark's eyes fluttered open. His head felt heavy, and the back of his throat was dry. When he tried to move, a rope across his chest kept him in place. "Lex?" he said weakly.

"Clark, exactly what is going on with you?"

Clark dearly wished he had an answer for that. He couldn't even remember where they were or how they'd gotten there. He frowned, searching his memory, but all that came to him was a confused mishmash of Lex and pool tables and confession. And a long cool crystal object that had made him shiver when he touched it.

Anyone interested in keeping it going? Just add to it in the comments. And thanks to everyone who took part!

communal_story, challenge

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