Change of Plans: Friends Locking

May 22, 2004 13:56

I've always liked having an open journal. The problem is that I read it at work, a lot, and there have been too many times lately when people have materialized at my desk, reading over my shoulder before I even realized they were there. This includes my boss. Half the office could know my LJ name by now. So, finally, I've come to the decision that it would be foolhardy of me not to lock my journal. The idea that my co-workers might be reading it is just too-- *shudder*

If you're already on my friends list, you'll stay there. If you're not and want to be, just add me. As long as I'm relatively certain you're not my mother, my boss or John Ashcroft, I'll add you back. *g*

If you don't already have an LJ, it's easy (and free!) to get one. Just go to the main Live Journal page and follow the appropriate links. You can always treat yours as a read-only journal if the idea of nattering on about yourself the way I do isn't that appealing to you. :D

I'm also going to make a more concerted effort to keep my website better updated with all the fiction I post to my journal. And I'll continue to archive non-snippet stuff at SSA.

So that's my story. I regret the people I may never get to know because I've gone into lockdown mode, but I need the peace of mind. I hope anyone who's been lurking will stick around. You're certainly welcome.

Unless I work with you, that is. *g*

lj, admin

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