My mama reads Twilight too.....sorry, Mom

Aug 04, 2008 19:32

So it looks like I won't be getting Breaking Dawn until this weekend at the very earliest, possibly later. At this rate, I don't really care - I wasn't particularly enthused before I knew much of anything about the book, and now that I have caved and read some spoilerific reviews, my interest has plummeted even further. As I remarked in minisinoo's journal, anyway, perhaps you can't spoil something that's already rotten anyway! ;) Based on what I've read, I almost feel embarrassed for SMeyer, but I will reserve any true judgment until I have the book in hand.

The funny thing is that I am actually going to be sharing my mother's copy of the book, as she informed me that she had pre-ordered it from Amazon. I had suggested that she might like it as some guilty pleasure reading, and she picked up the first two books of the series that I owned. I then got a call from her confessing that she stayed up until 3 in the morning several nights in a row reading Twilight and New Moon! She hasn't read Eclipse yet, but yes, my dear mom likes Edward/Bella and doesn't have too much of a problem with Bella. I feel like the bitter, unromantic cynic of the family now!

If BD is as bad as rumoured, I may regret having ever introduced her to the series in the first place....
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