OC - Character Profiles

Nov 30, 2010 14:18

You can ignore this entry if you wish, guys! This is mostly for reference, to be updated as character profiles are complete. These are my original characters for the Percy Jackson fandom and I ask that, should you want to use them, you ask me for my permission first. They may be used in the fic I'm planning, based on this challenge.

And, guys, I swear, I'm working on the next chapter of On the Fringe! It's just been a really bad month with NaNoWriMo and IRL issues, so it's been a little slow. But I promise I'll have the next chapter done soon!

Name: Tayen Williams
Age: 22
Ethnicity: Barbadian/American; father from Barbados, born in North Miami, Florida
Godly Parent: Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, keys and ghosts
Weapon: κλειδίον (Kleidion; 'little key'). A cross-bow with ornate key design, it changes form into a four-inch long, old-fashioned bronze key on a long chain that Tayen keeps around her neck when not in use.
Mary Sue Score: 19

Appearance: Tayen's a pretty young Barbadian woman, with an average body frame, long legs and cocoa colored skin. She has black hair that reaches just past her chin in the front, cut past the hairline and shaved in the back. She's bleached and dyed her fringe violet. Standing at 5'8, Tayen's not the tallest of her sisters, but she is the oldest.

Tayen's wardrobe is pretty simple: Camp Half-Blood shirts, a couple pairs of jeans, a few pairs of shorts. She doesn't consider herself fashionable, preferring whatever she feels comfortable in. She doesn't really accessorize, either. She wears a collection of necklaces and bracelets, but she doesn't go out of her way to make sure they go with whatever she's wearing. Her favorite necklaces are Kleidion, an orchid pendant from her father and her Camp Half-Blood necklace - she's never without those particular necklaces. Her bracelets are just a series of bronze bangles that she wears.

If she really needs to go out into the mortal world, she has a couple of 'mortal outfits' to blend in, rather than wear the blindingly orange camp shirts.

Quirks: Tayen is one of the oldest demigods at camp. She volunteered to stay at Camp Half-Blood as an instructor, leading activities on magic and potions that every demigod should be familiar with. She has two girlfriends, Emma and Ella, a set of twins daughters of Aura, goddess of the breezes. Because of Hecate's aspect as the goddess of keys, Tayen's pretty good at picking locks, though she has nowhere near the talents of a Hermes kid.

Personality: Tayen's very much the protective older sister type. She cares very deeply for her friends and anyone she considers family, including Libby and Halina. She can be a little reserved, preferring to be on her own than with large groups, but with her friends and sisters, she can get pretty open. She likes to have fun, but she's the responsible one of the group, almost making sure they don't go too far and keeping everyone safe while doing it.

Not to say that Tayen isn't a rule-breaker. She's the mastermind behind the idea of selling potions and charms to campers behind the directors' backs. She's a smart cookie, very knowledgeable when it comes to her magic and the potions and charms she creates. She personally takes her spells very seriously, but she's also been known to threaten to hex someone into the opposite gender or give them a serious case of green acne.

Headstrong, Tayen has often butted heads with the best of them. She's very firm in her beliefs and she's willing to fight for them. She doesn't care what others think of her as long as she can be herself.

Background: Tayen was raised in Bridgetown on the island of Barbados. Her father tells that she was born in Miami, where he met her mother, Hecate, and lived there for three years before he took her back to Barbados to live. She grew up well, her father taking care of her when he could, hiring babysitters often or having a girlfriend watch her when he was at work. Tayen showed a talent for unlocking doors from the age of six and often wandered out of the house. As she got older, she started becoming aware of who her mother was and was claimed in a dream on her thirteenth birthday as a daughter of Hecate.

After her birthday, she didn't hear from her mother again until she was seventeen, at which point, Hecate asked her to go to the port and board the Princess Andromeda. She followed her mother's instructions and, as the Titan war raged, she became one of Luke's trusted lieutenants. He confided in Tayen, told her he didn't really want to be the Titan leader, did not want Kronos to take his body. She realized, through Luke's fear of what Kronos would do with his body, that she was on the wrong side, but it wasn't until the Battle of Manhattan that she actively changed sides.

After the battle was won, Kronos destroyed through Luke's sacrifice, Tayen and her sisters joined the demigods at Camp Half-Blood, building their cabin to their liking. Because Tayen was so much older than her other sisters, she took up the position of head counselor for a time until she decided to ask Chiron to allow her a position of an instructor. She's stayed happy with that position since.

*NOTE* Tayen, as she appears in On the Fringe is the same as she is here, just younger.

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Name: Halina 'Halli' Jensen
Age: 16
Ethnicity: British-American
Godly Parent: Antheia, goddess of flowers and flowery wreathes
Weapon: λευκάνθεμον (Leukanthemon; 'White Flower') A small bronze dagger with a white handle, carved with floral designs. Does not change form.
Mary Sue Score: 20

Appearance: Halina is very petite, standing at 5'3” and weighing just over 110lbs. She has straight, auburn hair that reaches just above mid-back length; bright blue-green eyes; a smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks. She's thin and not very curvy, with slight hips and a small chest; she can very easily be mistaken for a boy. She has a pierced tongue and multiple piercings in her ears - three in the left and five in the right.

During the school year, when not in her school uniform, Halli prefers to wear loose t-shirts and long shorts, with Converse sneakers and mismatched knee-high socks. Her favorite shirt is a black tee with the words 'Team Picard' written in blue Star Trek font across the chest. For pajamas, she wears a pair of bicycle shorts and an oversized black t-shirt with Stormtroopers printed on the front. When it's necessary for her to dress up for one of the school 'social events', Halli does have a couple of nice dresses that she can wear, but she complains frequently.

At camp, Halli rolls with the typical Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of knee-length khaki shorts.

Quirks: Like all demigods, Halli is ADHD and dyslexic, but she doesn't let that get to her; she works diligently to make the most of it, always pushing herself to get past her dyslexia. Halli always smells like orchids - it's a very faint smell, but it comes from the fact that her mother is a flower goddess. Some of her powers from her godly mother include keeping flowers growing, no matter where or when; keeping cut-flowers fresh; ability to identify any flower by scent or description. She can use flowers to create potions, poisons and antidotes, as well as various floral teas.

Personality: Halina is a bit of spit-fire young girl; she's not pleased at all that she's stuck at Clarion Ladies Academy and she lets this show in the ways she rebels against the teachers and other students - amongst other things, she purposefully got her tongue pierced during Winter Break of her Freshman year and she's always doing little things to annoy her teachers. She's very open-minded and very open about herself, her preferences and her opinions. She has a temper, for sure; she's been known to throw tantrums on the occasion and has gone through three roommates since she began attending Clarion.

If one manages to actually befriend Halli, she can be very loyal and very sweet; she's only nice to her friends. She will defend her friends against the more bullying girls at school and she's always willing to lend an ear if her friends need to talk to her. For the most part, she's just a pest to the teachers. She gets in trouble a lot and the only reason she hasn't been kicked out of Clarion is because her father and step-mother are well-paying patrons of the school - her step-mother attended Clarion twenty years previously, as well.

Halina really admires her roommate, Rachel; she finds the older girl fascinating. She loves that Rachel is so adamant about art and Greek mythology. When she first finds out that Rachel is the Oracle, she's pretty excited about it; she knows that she can trust the other girl with any demigod problems and that Rachel is someone she can let loose with while they're at school.

Background: Halina was raised in England, her mother having left her with her father after she was born. She has never met Antheia. Her father was never aware that Halli's mother was a goddess, but he never had any doubts that she is his child; she looks exactly like her great-grandmother did as a child. In England, Halli's father, Lyle, and grandparents ran a rather humble florist shop called Eden's Bounty. Lyle met his future wife, Melanie, while she was studying abroad in England; she would often stop by the shop to say hello and buy some flowers for her room. Lyle left England to move to America to marry Melanie, taking nine-year-old Haley with them.

Melanie, a daughter of a rich and influential family, has taken to Halina like her own daughter; she adores Halli. She has helped get her into a number of high-profile schools. Halli has always had trouble in school because of her ADHD and dyslexia, but she tries hard to keep up with her schoolwork. She wants to make her parents proud of her, even if she hates that they're trying to force her into a world she's not ready to be a part of.

Halli is a second-year student at Clarion; she's been attending since freshman year. She's been through a number of roommates already, but she manages to keep Rachel as her roommate after finding out their shared connection to Camp Half-Blood. When she first came to Camp Half-Blood, Halli met and befriended Libby, a daughter of Hermes. The two of them eventually grew close and started dating.

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Daniel Seung - Son of Apollo

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Elizabeth Matherson - Daughter of Hermes

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Skylar Evans - Son of Eros

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Adeia Ellison - Daughter of Apollo & Hermes

original characters, fandom: percy jackson & the olympians

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