(no subject)

Mar 02, 2009 20:51

"Both are good points, but the bottom line in both scenarios is that the world is shallow. Women and men will value looks over substance about 99.2% of the time, even if they vehemently deny it. Men change themselves to attract good looking women and women who get attention will ultimately choose the better looking men. And that is why the love scene is tough. Because the ones who might match you the best don't always fit the image you're looking for." - from tony. which brings me very nicely to the second point i made with daniel

midnight**: do i get credit for stimulating your mind for such a response hahaha
dorkstah: i guess
dorkstah: if you want it
midnight**: lol naw
midnight**: it would give me a bad rep with the guys
dorkstah: the supposed nice guys?
midnight**: yes
dorkstah: well the nice guys need to learn to wait
midnight**: sucks for them
midnight**: haha
dorkstah: pretty much
dorkstah: they need to stop whining
dorkstah: and find girls that are attracted to them
dorkstah: because honestly.. that's probably the biggest issue
dorkstah: you have to make yourself into a person that people want
dorkstah: not to say that you can't be yourself
dorkstah: but you have to find people that like who that is
midnight**: si
dorkstah: because when it comes down to it.. nobody really changes, eventually it all falls back to how it was before
midnight**: are you giving me advice?
dorkstah: naw, i'm just spouting off random crap -.-;;
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