Writing oddities

May 19, 2013 20:18

After editing a novel (currently in beta), and plotting the third part of my as yet unpublished pre-series Sons of Anarchy trilogy (yes, really...), not to mention a lovely two week holiday on a cruise ship, I expected it'd be a tad hard to get back into writing mode, and start on the plotted third part of the trilogy. But I was all determined to grit my teeth and bear it.

The muse, however, had other ideas.

"No, no," she said. "Why don't we work on that?" And she pointed at a shriveled-up, dusty plot bunny covered in cobwebs that was lying forgotten in the corner of the bunny pen.

Lo and behold, 2,500 words later I had written Jericho threesome fic. So not what I had planned...! It's ripening as we speak, so I'll get to it again for edits later this month, but, muse, really?

For the record: today I did manage to get started on the SoA story and wrote the first 1,300 words. So, no more blank page. And my writing muscle hasn't totally atrophied in the past months.

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fanfic, writerly thoughts

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