Dinner and Done

Dec 15, 2012 17:24


Last night, I spent with my parents and brother/wife, having dinner without the grandkids, so the adults could have some actual conversation :) As far as plans to, that worked out quite well. We also had a wonderful dinner, allowing the cook to serve us the "surprise" menu, which was yum! Amazing how well basil ice cream goes for desert...! Though how someone comes up with the idea...?

The downside is, as it we knew it was gonna be late before we would be finished, I slept over at my parents. Clearly, if I have trouble most nights sleeping in my own comfy big bed, how well can I expect to sleep on a narrow air mattress in my parents living room? Yeah, exactly. Luckily I'd brought my e-reader. *wry grin*

Sleepiness aside, I've also feeling a bit at a loss since I came home. Last week, I typed "END" under the 100+K words that are the second novel in the (planned) Tig 'n' Kozik bromance trilogy, so I am Done. For relative values of "Done", of course. Let's call it draft 0.5 or thereabouts. But it's all there, and I need a break before I tackle rewrites, and though I have other 0.5 or up novel drafts lying about, it's... odd not to be writing on non-work days.

And how on earth am I gonna spend the upcoming Xmas holidays, with no pressing writing "needing" to be done?!

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family, fanfic, real life, writerly thoughts

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