For some reason, nearly everything I seem to be working on lately (as in the past two or so years?) are humongous novel-lengths stories. What happened to the short ficlets, I wonder?
To make things worse, I'm currently editing one of those novels for overuse of certain words. And OMG, once you run the text through a word counter app, the results are... horrifying. I very, very clearly have stylistic tics that come and go. I've hunted for words* that showed up two or three times a page for several chapters-and then not at all for another number of chapters.
On top of that, the story I'm currently trying to write is more a case of pulling teeth than actual writing (I keep thinking I should've stuck with the random porn and not bothered with plot at all). In other words, it's not fun!
So, I think I need a break from the neverending stories of doom! I want to write some short fics again, fics that give me pleasure and (almost) instant gratification.
But no ficlets can exist without ideas. And my own ideas tend to spiral into novels :( Thus, give me prompts! Fandoms I'm currently most at home in would be Supernatural, Sons of Anarchy, and Jericho. I may still be able to quickly whip up something for Miracles, Magic of Ordinary Days, The Kill Point and maaaaybe Lord of the Rings (assuming it can be done without extensive canon details as that's gotten very, very rusty).
No promises prompts will get filled, but you never know what might strike my shortfic muse's fancy (assuming she's still around somewhere pouting....).
*Not talking here about names of people or places, or nouns that happen to be the subject of a particular plot thread the chapters are about. It would make sense for such words to show up frequently for a few chapters, and then not at all. No, I'm talking about filler words like "about", "must've", "instead", "seem", "though" etc. etc. It's terrifying....
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