Lone traveler seeks suggestions for photography subjects

Apr 27, 2012 21:03

So, later this year, I'm gonna go on a solo cruise. By myself. Alone. Now, this is a teensy bit scary. I've been on trips by myself before, but never without meeting with someone or other I knew along the way.

It's also a bit of an experiment. If it works, and I don't get bored or lonely, or stressed from OMG!Too!Many!People on board the ship (the ship I'm going on carries around 1.400 passengers, and the two ships I sailed on before were 200 and 100 respectively, so it'll be a different experience), it may be a very nice (and safe) way to take more solo holidays.

But that's not the reason for this post.

I just realized that going solo also means there's nobody else's wishes or desires to take into account on how I spend my time. As long as I make sure to be back at the ship in time for departure, I can do exactly as I please All Day Long*.

I have researched the places we'll be stopping and have some thoughts on how to spend the days (walking/hiking, mostly, and there's a vague plan to climb at least one hill at every town that has hills).

And of course, I plan to take lots and lots of photos.

But then I thought, hm, it'll probably help me focus to have a photo project instead of just snapping shots of everything I like. A theme I can use as a thread through the entire holiday, or certain subjects to make series for, or a photo story to tell.

So, long post, short question: I'm open to subject suggestions!

Wanna see the view out of my cabin window at 8pm every night? Pics of traffic signs? At least one pattern photo a day? Let me know!** Depending on the wifi situation, I may even be able to share photos while still cruising.

Oh, and since having an idea of where I'll be going might help with the suggestions: the cruise goes along the Norwegian coast and fjords for a bit, does a couple stops in Scotland and the Shetland islands, and I'll be going to cities like Oslo and Edinburgh.

* Within limits, as I don't drive any more (haven't been behind the wheel in 5 years, so renting a car in a strange town by myself is probably not a very good idea...).

** Can't promise I'll fulfill every suggestion, but I'm certainly willing to try!

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