Giant bell pepper is gigantic

Mar 06, 2012 19:57

Every week on Tuesday, I get delivered a veggie box full of organically grown veggies, and over the past months, I have eaten the weirdest, most obscure or forgotten veggies imaginable (ask
tanaqui if you wanna know how weird).

One of the items today was bell pepper. Not so weird, huh? Well, not until I discovered the actual bell pepper they put in. Now, I'm used to organic veggies being slightly less-nice looking, and generally somewhat smaller, than their non-organic siblings from the supermarket.

Not so with this bell pepper! It is... the biggest bell pepper I remember ever seeing. How am I supposed to eat all that in my 1-person+cat household? Cats don't eat bell pepper....

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photography, world of weird, real life

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