I can not believe it, but I'm DONE with the story that ATE MY LIFE, aka Anna AU.
Well, for relative meanings of done, that is. Still need to give it a full read-through to check for plot holes and inconsistencies, then need to do a word level edit, get it to beta, work through the beta edits....
But that is after a cooling down period, and the really hard work is over. 146,000 words and counting. *boggles at number of words* Where do they all come from?!
In any case, glad I took today off from work too*, I feel much better about having to go back tomorrow now. But what am I gonna do with all this free fic time now? The black hole of nothingness looms....
* Partly because I wanted to finish Anna AU, partly because I have a missed day for December when I had the flu to compensate and this prevents major administrative hoop-jumping, and partly to avoid the colleagues who feel that New Year's wishes MUST be accompanied by personal space invading cheek kissing... Eww! You're a colleague, not my mother...!
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