Ready for winter now

Dec 10, 2011 19:33

Back home from yet another holiday: 11 days of catching up on some sorely missed sunshine in Gran Canaria.

Once again, I remember why I detest flying during this last decade (although the flights themselves were neatly on time and not too bad). I also realized I'm not much of a fan of tourist resorts that have little to no authenticity. But oh, the weather...! Aside from a dust storm from Africa, one somewhat cloudy day, and even a thunder shower during dinner (a rare occasion in those parts), we really soaked up some of that sunshine that we missed over the Summer-That-Wasn't of 2011.

We also did an off-road jeep tour (oww!); I went on a hiking trip down a gorge, and we took a dolphin spotting tour that failed to find dolphins-but that did feel like an amusement park ride, with the way it was dancing on the heavy Atlantic swell...!

Amazingly, I also managed to hang out with my parents without any serious arguments (except maybe for the one time I ranted at my mother for almost falling for a timeshare seller's tricks...).

And who wouldn't be charmed when being presented with such sunsets from their balcony?

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