Home! Well, almost

Sep 23, 2011 13:07

Almost home from my holiday. There's still another hour left on the train, but I haz iPad and I haz free wifi so I'm sure I can entertain myself. By posting links to holiday pics, for example...

This year, B and I went to the Channel Islands, two of them at least. Since we're both averse to the hooplah that is flying these days, we went by car to St. Malo in France, looked around there for a day, and then caught the ferry, first to Guernsey, and then to Jersey. Weather could've been better (this trip'll go down in history as The Windy Holiday), it could also have been a looot worse, so I'm not complaining. We did manage to get in a lot of hiking, so that made me happy. The plans to hire bicycles we quickly scrapped (see 'windy' bit), though.

But between the old castles, towers from Napoleonetic days, German Nazi bunkers and prehistoric passage graves, as well as steep cliffs, sandy beaches, and lighthouses that can only be reached during low tide, we had ourselves a good and interesting holiday.

A quick selection of unprocessed pics:

St. Malo



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holiday report, photography

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